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Hi All, I have installed SQL Anywhere 10 and connected. Now I have .db files which I want to restore them. But am unable to do. So your help is highly appreciated.

Regards Channakeshav

asked 22 Oct '13, 06:44

Keshav's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Oct '13, 09:49

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

What version of the software was used to create the backup of the database?

How was the backup created: Is it an image backup or an archive backup?

If you created an image backup then you do not need to do anything special to "restore" the backup - just copy the files someplace on your disk and start them up on a server. However, if the transaction log filename in the database has a pathname in it that does not point to the current location (that you have copied the .log file) then you may need to run/use dblog on the database to point the transaction log to the new location.

If the image backup was created using a version of SQL Anywhere prior to version 10 then you will need to rebuild the database as a v10 database format. Provided that the database does not need recovery you can do this using your v10 software.

If you did an archive backup using a previous version of SQL Anywhere (i.e. a version prior to version 10) then you will first need to restore the database using that previous version.

Finally, if your archive database was created using v10 software then you need to use the restore SQL statement or Sybase Central wizard to restore the database.


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answered 22 Oct '13, 07:52

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

edited 22 Oct '13, 10:38

Hi Mark, Thanks the detailed description.I have connected to Database, now i have 2 .db files,those i want to add to connected database.That am unable to add it.

Thanks, Channakeshav

(23 Oct '13, 03:39) Keshav
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What do you mean by "unable to add it"? Does it give a error? What did you try? You must make sure that the database names are unique per server...

(23 Oct '13, 07:04) ASchild

FWIW, in case you are coming from a MS SQL Server/Sybase ASE background where it's necessary to add a database to a database server (aka to its master database):

SQL Anywhere works differently: There is no master database, so there's no need to "add" a database. Instead, you can start a database engine, and then start one or several databases on that engine (see START DATABASE statement) or start them with the database engine in one go (by adding them on the database engine's command line).

(23 Oct '13, 08:02) Volker Barth
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question asked: 22 Oct '13, 06:44

question was seen: 5,749 times

last updated: 23 Oct '13, 08:02