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When migrating from version 8 to sql anywhere version 11, I get the following error:

SQL Anywhere Unload Utility Version
Connecting and initializing
Unloading user and group definitions
Unloading table definitions
Unloading index definitions
Unloading functions
Unloading view definitions
Unloading procedures
Unloading triggers
Unloading SQL Remote definitions
Unloading MobiLink definitions
Creating new database
***** SQL error: Authentication failed

What could be the cause of this and how can I fix it?

My searches lead me to the following documentation: But this only seems to work for the OEM version of the application and I don't believe the installation I need to migrate to is an OEM version...

asked 03 Oct '13, 08:18

AndyPPW's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Oct '13, 08:21

If you got that message then you probably ARE executing an authenticated copy of SQL Anywhere 11.

See this Help topic: Upgrading authenticated databases

permanent link

answered 03 Oct '13, 08:49

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

Thanks for the information. I guess I was looking in the right direction then. I'll have to get the database_authentication string and do what's in that documentation.

(03 Oct '13, 09:15) AndyPPW
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Is the old database authenticated, too?

If so, AFAIK usually the old and new signatures should be the same...

(03 Oct '13, 09:18) Volker Barth
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question asked: 03 Oct '13, 08:18

question was seen: 2,905 times

last updated: 03 Oct '13, 09:18