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Installed Linux Mint15 on a Windows 7-64bit as a dual boot workstation.

Installed sa12.01_3152_linux.tar.gz without changing any of the default settings and then applied the latest EBF # 3873.

From the Mint starting menu I tried to launch but the Sybase Central does not start. From properties it shows "/opt/sqlanywhere12/bin32s/scjview". I confirmed that there is a scjview file in that folder.

By reading other posts in this forum it seems to me I would not necessarily need to install JRE as Sybase Central will use the one added to its own install. I am trying to have SQLANY12 up and running with our databases using the minimal installation as possible.

Could anyone provide some clarifications on how should we proceed?

asked 24 May '13, 11:51

nico's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The administration tools are 32-bit only, except on Windows and Mac OS X so, as Mark indicated, you would probably need to install the 32-bit libraries as below, even though you are running Mint in a 64-bit box.

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
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answered 24 May '13, 14:17

Derli%20Marcochi's gravatar image

Derli Marcochi
accept rate: 33%

edited 24 May '13, 14:21

Sybase Central is now loading but the tab for the services is not displaying so there is no way to start/stop services. Should it display in the same fashion it does for Windows?

(25 May '13, 11:57) nico
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AFAIK Sybase Central on Linux cannot control the services. You must use dbsvc from the command or edit the /etc/init.d/SA_* script directly.

(25 May '13, 20:37) Mark Culp

Please read the readme_en.txt file that should be in your SA installation directory. In particular make sure that you have the 32 bit compatibility Linux libraries installed on your computer.

If you are still having problems then run scjview from the command line and it may indicate why it is failing to start.

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answered 24 May '13, 13:11

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

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question asked: 24 May '13, 11:51

question was seen: 4,789 times

last updated: 25 May '13, 20:37