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When I start a session of GoToMyPC to login a computer that is running an active session of SQL Anywhere or when I echo a GoToMyPC session back onto myself when I am running SQL Anywhere it causes SQL Anywhere to crash. Has anyone else experienced this?

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asked 01 Mar '13, 23:52

spc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


What version of SQL Anywhere are you using? What is the operating system? Are there any messages displayed or written to the "dbeng12 -o filespec.txt" diagnostic text file when it "crashes"?

(02 Mar '13, 08:43) Breck Carter
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SQL Version: SQL Anywhere and SQL Anywhere
OS: 32 bit Windows 7, 64 bit Window 7 beng12 -o filespec.txt: unable to locate file

(04 Mar '13, 15:33) spc

Are you auto-starting the database from a Java application?

I've seen some older JRE's that will crash when an RDP connection is made. If that application autostarted the database and later crashed, the database may have stopped as no active connections were remaining. (AUTOSTOP=YES by default for autostarted databases.)

(04 Mar '13, 15:53) Tyson Lewis

Instead of the 'SQL Anywhere' database crashing, are you really referring to 'Sybase Central' crashing, as described in this other question?

If this is the case (and you're seeing an error similar to the error posted in the previous question), this was a JDK 1.5 problem (which was shipped with SQL Anywhere 11). It was fixed in JDK 1.6 (which was shipped with SQL Anywhere 12), but the fix wasn’t backported by Sun, so there is no fix for version 11.

There is a generally a workaround for version 11 though: Change to the 'Windows Classic' look and feel (or configure your remote viewer software to not use the local desktop theme, as I mentioned in my previous response regarding 'TeamViewer').

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answered 04 Mar '13, 16:48

Jeff%20Albion's gravatar image

Jeff Albion
accept rate: 25%

Thanks. Helped. Although I don't get the SQL Anywhere crash with V12 when using a remote access tool (GoToMyPC in this case) while SQL Anywhere is running, Sybase Central does become unresponsive and requires a force close.

(15 Apr '13, 19:12) spc
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When using SA 12, are you using the according Sybase Central version, too (i.e. 6.1, methinks), or a v11 Sybase Central version? (I'm just asking as you have told both versions are in use.)

(16 Apr '13, 04:39) Volker Barth

When using SA 12 I am running Sybase Central

(16 Apr '13, 19:06) spc
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question asked: 01 Mar '13, 23:52

question was seen: 2,942 times

last updated: 16 Apr '13, 19:06