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[This is similar to this v12 question.]

AFAIK, for SA 10 and 11 installing an EBF has always copied that EBF's readme file to the SA main directory. So a SA 11.0.1 install might contain the following files in the %SQLANY11% dir:

  • rdme_1101_ebf_2299.html
  • rdme_1101_ebf_2376.html

But current 11.0.1 EBFs don't leave their local EBF file in the SA main directory, either.

Usually, I do not apply all EBFs but skip some of them. The last of those EBFs I have installed (on Windows 32 Bit) that left a readme was

The following newer EBFs seem to copy their readme just to a temporary folder:


Is this change in behaviour by design, or should it be re-changed, like Karim has clarified for v12?


I was wrong: does leave a local EBF. But on two boxes I can confirm the behaviour (in contrast to Karim's expectation) that no generic readme_ebf.html file has been installed by the aefore-mentioned newer EBFs.

Resume: IMHO, the senseful solution chosen for v12 is not yet implemented for v11.0.1.

asked 14 Dec '10, 14:39

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 15 Dec '10, 12:34


Thanks for pointing this problem out. As with V12, the behaviour you describe above is NOT by design. I have let the install team know that the same problem that we have/had with the V12 EBF install seems to be affecting the V11 EBF install as well. The problem will be corrected in a future EBF.


----- EDIT ----


I just heard back from the install team. Apparently the behaviour you are seeing now is by design. Here is the response from the install team:

"This was done by design. The previous oversight that was corrected was that we were not installing the EBF readme at all. We corrected that, but always install the file with the name readme_ebf.html. We do this now for 11.0.1 and 12.0.0 and do not plan to change this in the future."

---- EDIT #2 ----


I have heard back from the build team and they have acknowledged that there is a bug with the 11.0.1 EBF installer not installing the readme correctly. They will fix that bug in a future EBF; BUT, the readme will still be called readme_ebf.html.


permanent link

answered 14 Dec '10, 15:45

Karim%20Khamis's gravatar image

Karim Khamis
accept rate: 40%

edited 15 Dec '10, 15:33

Hm, then I have to re-check my installs. I was quite sure that there's no readme_ebf.hmtl at all for newer v11 EBFs. - I'm aware that newer v12 EBFs do install this readme_ebf.hmtl file.

(14 Dec '10, 20:12) Volker Barth

@Karim: I can confirm my observation - see my edited question...

(15 Dec '10, 08:32) Volker Barth

@Volker: Your observation about the readme not being installed at all has been reproduced in house as well. I am waiting to hear back from the install guys on what the problem might be and whether or not it will be fixed.

(15 Dec '10, 12:23) Karim Khamis

@Karim: "...BUT, the readme will still be called readme_ebf.html". - I don't mind:)

(15 Dec '10, 16:13) Volker Barth
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question asked: 14 Dec '10, 14:39

question was seen: 2,224 times

last updated: 15 Dec '10, 15:33