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Because of performance issue I had to program a CSV export using the native UNLOAD <datasource> stuff. Performance increased, but needed to "cheat" to get the column names in.

I would like UNLOAD format text to obey to all the same options as OUTPUT TO does. Maybe still right in time for the next SQL AW version.


asked 12 Dec '12, 03:07

Tinu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 Dec '12, 09:02

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

Cited from the NNTP forum sybase.public.sqlanywhere.general, answer to a post from Martin Baur:

I wish I had a better answer other than 'oversight'. When UNLOAD was created, its syntax was created to mimic OUTPUT but the syntax of each statement has diverged since then. There are also many UNLOAD options that are not supported by OUTPUT (eg, ENCRYPTED, COMPRESSED, ROW DELIMITED BY, etc).

I have created an enhancement request to bring the syntax of these two statements closer together.


John Smirnios Senior Staff Software Developer iAnywhere Solutions Engineering

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answered 12 Dec '12, 08:28

Reimer%20Pods's gravatar image

Reimer Pods
accept rate: 11%

edited 12 Dec '12, 08:57

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

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question asked: 12 Dec '12, 03:07

question was seen: 3,130 times

last updated: 12 Dec '12, 09:02