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I've been trying so hard to connect to an UltraLite database stored on sdcard Android device. The error thrown is : Error J[-405], cannot create database "/mnt/sdcard/Android/data/Pedido_hh.udb". But I want to connect to that database and it always tries to create a new one. This is a part of the code used :

String dbPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() + "/Android/data/Pedido_hh.udb";


        // Define the database properties using a Configuration object 
        ConfigFileAndroid config = DatabaseManager.createConfigurationFileAndroid(dbPath, this); 
        // Connect, or if the database does not exist, create it and connect 
        Connection _conn; 
            _conn = DatabaseManager.connect(config); 
        } catch ( ULjException e) { 
            _conn = DatabaseManager.createDatabase(config); 

    } catch ( ULjException e) { 
        Log.e("HelloUltraLite", e.toString()); 

Also I'd Like to know how can I create an UltraLiteJ Database using my PC and then use it on my Android Device.

PD: I'm using SQL Server AnyWhere 12.0.1 and Eclipse y SDK 2.2

asked 20 Sep '12, 12:09

alvasrey's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Andy Quick says this:

I believe the problem is a permissions issue; the path to the database files should be something like /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/package-name/files/a.udb, where package-name is the package name of the application.

The application looks like it is failing to create the database, and then having to try again each time.

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answered 20 Sep '12, 12:45

Tom%20Slee's gravatar image

Tom Slee
accept rate: 29%

thanks a lot now a I can connect to my database!!!!!

(20 Sep '12, 15:34) alvasrey
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question asked: 20 Sep '12, 12:09

question was seen: 3,279 times

last updated: 20 Sep '12, 16:31