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I. 07/26 18:07:44. The maximum number of messages in the messaging system has been reached.

Why the limitation?

asked 26 Jul '12, 18:12

J%20Diaz's gravatar image

J Diaz
accept rate: 10%

Probably held over from the old 8.3 file naming convention of yesteryear.

(26 Jul '12, 19:50) Calvin Allen

SQL Remote only currently uses three characters in the extension for messages files for the FILE, FTP and HTTP message system, and we limit the characters to alpha-numeric character. Because of that, the maximum number of messages that one database can send to another database in the system is 36 + 36*36 + 36*36*36 = 47988. At the default message size of 50K, that allows for approximately 2GB of SQL statements to be pending in the message system.

If you reach the maximum number of messages, you will need to either increase the message size, or convince your remote databases to pick up messages more often.

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answered 27 Jul '12, 09:06

Reg%20Domaratzki's gravatar image

Reg Domaratzki
accept rate: 36%

edited 28 Jul '12, 11:17

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow

Yes, thanks but the limit I believe is 36 * 36 * 36 = 46,656

(28 Jul '12, 09:45) J Diaz
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We also did bump into that limitation one or two years ago. We did solve it by incrementing the message sizes,

(30 Jul '12, 02:50) ASchild

36*36*36 is correct if SQL Remote only used three digit extensions, but SQL Remote will first use files with a single character extension (.0 -> .z), and then two character extensions as well (.00 -> .zz), so that's why we need to add another 36 + 36*36.

(30 Jul '12, 08:27) Reg Domaratzki
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question asked: 26 Jul '12, 18:12

question was seen: 2,873 times

last updated: 30 Jul '12, 08:29