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I am running two (2) server engines. I am experiencing a problem with them starting on windows 7. As follows in a InstallServers.bat file.

dbsvc -t Network -s Automatic -as -sn "Servername1" -sd "ServerName1" -y -w "ServerName1" "D:\Engine\sqlany10\win32\dbsrv10.exe" -c 10p -ti 0 -tl 0 -n Server1 D:\Engine\data\DataBase1.db

dbsvc -t Network -s Automatic -as -sn "Server2" -sd "Server2" -y -w "Server2" "C:\Program Files\SQL Anywhere 10\win32\dbsrv10.exe"  -n Server2 D:\Engine\data\DataBase2.db 

Sometimes they both start, sometimes Server1 starts, sometimes Server2 starts. If Server1 is started and running, Server2 fails to start,automaticlly or manually. Please notice they are using dbsrv10.exe from different locations. One the application1 location and the other the default installation location. Two different applications. Seems to work okay on the XP machines (SP3).

Am I over looking something, gray hair getting int he way, or am I doing it completely wrong?

Thanks for taking a look,


asked 07 Jul '12, 18:09

George's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Jul '12, 19:15

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Mark Culp


Try adding -o file1.txt and -o file2.txt to capture any diagnostics that might be available (IMO all engines should have -o).

Try specifying -x tcpip(port=nnnnn) on each command line to avoid the possibility that the engines are getting annoyed while they fight to open the same port. Normally the "second" server will pick another port, and this suggestion is just a guess.

(08 Jul '12, 05:11) Breck Carter

re "Am I over looking something, gray hair getting int he way...": Windows services are one of The Dark Arts, often incomprehensible to us Muggles :)

(08 Jul '12, 05:14) Breck Carter

Besides Breck's hints, I'm not sure whether running two SQL Anywhere installations with the same major version on one box might lead to these problems - officially it is not supported, cf. this FAQ...

If both programs are running in parallel, I would think they could use DLLs from the other installation - AFAIK, DLLs using shared memory are still more easily "shared" than usual ones - which lead to the Side-by-side DLLs disussion.

Therefore another test would be to use the same executable in both command lines:)

(08 Jul '12, 06:13) Volker Barth
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Good idea! Don't know if the dbsvc -rs option would help but it can't hurt

(08 Jul '12, 11:43) Breck Carter

Have a look at the event log, if the db server can't start it writes the reason into the event log.

(09 Jul '12, 02:49) Martin

Thanks all. Interesting this has no issues on XP. I am having some difficulty locating how to actually read the log file. InSybase Central I see "view log" and it is blank. WHat I find with goodle is that the log file can not be read with out special programs.... which does not sound right. Is there a link to an instruction on how to read the log file/ is there a difference between the db.log and if there is an error.log? I am new to all this on Sybase, I need a point in the right direction. Mucho Appreciated George

(09 Jul '12, 14:57) George
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If you specify dbsrv10 -o c:whateverfilename.txt then the engine will create a text file c:whateverfilename.txt containing a copy of all the console messages that are normally invisible for services. This file is often called a "log" file which irritates me beyond words (grrrrr!) because it gets confused with the transaction log file db.log. And no, you can't read the transaction log without translating it first, but that's NOT the file you care about.

The -o file goes wherever you say to put it... and with a service that can be a challenge when the account being used has limited file access rights.

XP is vastly different from Windows 7, and at this point you have no idea why the service is failing... that is your first step... specify dbsrv10 -o c:whateverfilename.txt

Also, please go back and re-read the other comments (since you missed this suggestion earlier)

(09 Jul '12, 19:19) Breck Carter

If you are asking about the event log, that's not a file at all, but a Windows thing (which also existed in XP).

See Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Computer Management - System Tools - Event Viewer... good luck, I've never found it to be any use solving SQL Anywhere problems, but you could be luckier than me (Martin clearly is :)

(09 Jul '12, 19:22) Breck Carter
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question asked: 07 Jul '12, 18:09

question was seen: 4,049 times

last updated: 16 Jul '12, 18:53