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In configuring client ODBC connections with SQL Anywhere 11 if you specified TCP under the Network Tab you were presented with liveness timeout and idle timeout parameters.

With SQL Anywhere 12 the configuration appears to depend on the selection under Action on the Login Tab. When selecting "Connect to a Running Database on Another Computer" and we don't specify the host we can modify the 'TCP/IP Protocol Options" which are enabled on the Network tab. If we specify the Host in our environment the Protocol Options are disabled for reasons unknown.

We notice that under the TCP setting there is no longer separate Idleness Timeout and Liveness Timeout - just a timeout.

Can we still control the Liveness timeout from the ODBC connection side?

Why can't we control the TCPIP settings when the Host is specified?

Further to this we are looking for some way to trap liveness timeout in our PowerBuilder app... posted in the PowerBuilder forum with no response yet...

asked 10 May '12, 20:55

Glenn%20Barber's gravatar image

Glenn Barber
accept rate: 8%

edited 11 May '12, 11:23

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow


Can we still control the Liveness timeout from the ODBC connection side?

FWIW, you can also include Idle=n and LTO=n directly in the ODBC connection string.

(11 May '12, 13:44) Volker Barth

The liveness and idle timeout options are on the "Advanced Options" tab. The "timeout" option on the Network tab is the timeout that it used for UDP broadcasts. When searching the network for a server, we send out UDP broadcasts and wait for responses. This timeout specifies how long we will wait.

All of the TCP options on the Network page are used for the LINKS= connection parameter. The LINKS and HOST connection parameters cannot be used at the same time. When you specify a host on the Identification tab, the HOST= connection parameter is used so the fields on the Network tab are not available.

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answered 11 May '12, 11:22

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow
accept rate: 54%

More on the pros and cons of HOST vs. LINKS can be found in this nice FAQ...

(11 May '12, 11:25) Volker Barth
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question asked: 10 May '12, 20:55

question was seen: 5,278 times

last updated: 11 May '12, 13:44