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Hello All,

I'm trying to access a SQLAnywhere database WebService inside a lan without having to change firewall settings. I can install some software on the lan side and on the WAN side (WebServer). The idea is to reach multiple lan databases trough a specific URL (each URL would map to a diferent WebServer.

I have found RSHOST, and RSOE and tried to implement these tools but i don't know if they can be used for acessing database webservices (instead of synchronization).

Can someone shad a light in this?

Best Regards and TIA, Rui Cruz

asked 07 Mar '12, 05:03

rmgdc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Clarification needed - are you trying / wanting to connect to your database server(s) that reside inside your firewall from a computer that resides outside of your firewall without changing your firewall rules?

(07 Mar '12, 08:16) Mark Culp
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FWIW: My attempt to answer (see below) was based on a different assumption, namely that both client and server are in the same LAN...

(07 Mar '12, 08:31) Volker Barth
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Clarification.. yes.. that is correct.. i need to acess internal database webservice from WAN without changing firewall rules. I can install software on both sides.

Outbound enabler tool seems the right direction (external connection to relay server that bypass firewall rules) but i think this is only suited for sync databases and not the kind of stuff i'm trying to implement.


(07 Mar '12, 12:12) rmgdc

If you're simply trying to direct HTTP requests across a web server (e.g. to make requests to the database server's web services port for HTTP web services), you usually just have to install some type of HTTP reverse-proxy mechanism in your web server.


The Relay Server is also a kind of reverse-proxy technology, but is usually for intended for routing data "streams" from clients to different application servers (e.g. to MobiLink, Afaria, etc.).

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answered 07 Mar '12, 11:45

Jeff%20Albion's gravatar image

Jeff Albion
accept rate: 25%

edited 08 Mar '12, 15:01

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Thanks Jeff,

Problem is using mod_proxy or Application Request Routing implies that I need to modify the firewall rules to have access to the internal machines.

I was trying with the RSOE because as the name implies (Outbound enabler) it bypasses the firewall settings but has you said it doesn't seems to be intended for this situation (accessing webservices behind a firewall).

Maybe with a dynamic VPN between the two hosts. Does someone knows some kind of tool / API for setting up a scenary like this one? (with simple examples preferably)? WebServer is ISS and not Apache / linux...

PS. I would love to use RSOE / RSHost since it seems very scalable and doing stuff with another tools may give me scalability problems in the future.

Thanks anyway, Rui Cruz

(07 Mar '12, 12:13) rmgdc
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@Jeff: The (interesting-looking!) links do not work properly (for me, at least)...

(07 Mar '12, 12:24) Volker Barth
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Thanks Volker - I fixed the links now.

(08 Mar '12, 15:07) Jeff Albion

Ah, I had misunderstood the problem as well - the problem is not the external firewall, but an internal one, separating a DMZ and hence the desire for the RSOE. Yes, if this is a technical requirement, this may be a good scenario to use the Relay Server.

The RSOE should also support SQL Anywhere as a back-end server, as per the documentation, but I'm not aware of any documentation samples that might show you how to set this particular configuration up.

It should be very similar to the MobiLink instructions, except instead of starting a MobiLink server, you would start the database server instead.

If you're looking for a step-by-step solution to this issue, we can try to put one together for you (but a warning that this may take some time). If this is an urgent issue, please open a technical support case and we can discuss your specific requirements.

(08 Mar '12, 15:18) Jeff Albion

IMHO, you can simply use the internal IP addresses (or server names, if they are mapped via WINS or the like) in the URL, and there shouldn't be a need to use RSHOST and the RSOE.

I would try to use the SQL Anywhere Web Service tutorials (which usually run locally on localhost) and modify them to run on a different box in your LAN (which would include to use dbsrvX instead of dbengX).

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answered 07 Mar '12, 07:29

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 07 Mar '12, 07:32

To clarify: My answer was directed to clients inside the LAN, which is not the real requirement of the original poster. So treat this as a non-appropriate answer:)

(07 Mar '12, 12:01) Volker Barth

Someone? Any ideas?

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answered 08 Mar '12, 06:01

rmgdc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 07 Mar '12, 05:03

question was seen: 3,852 times

last updated: 08 Mar '12, 15:18