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Just wondering if there are plans to release the dbeng12.exe binary compiled for 64bit on OSX?

Currently the installation only seems to contain the 32bit binaries...

Cheers, Dan

asked 07 Feb '12, 01:07

Dan%20Cleyne's gravatar image

Dan Cleyne
accept rate: 25%

The Mac OSX version of SQL Anywhere currently only has a 32bit version of the database server. We have discussed switching to building / shipping a 64bit version in the next major release but no final decision has been made.

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answered 07 Feb '12, 04:33

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

Thanks Mark

(07 Feb '12, 16:42) Dan Cleyne

Mark, would you happen to know what the timeframe is for the next major version of the OSX platform?

We would like to base our solution around SA12+ but we only want to support 64bit going forward.

Additionally, the documentation is confusing regarding the maximum database file size supported on OSX. Depending on which document I've read it appears to be either 2GB, or "maximum size supported by the file system"... would you be able to clarify?

Cheers, Dan

(08 Feb '12, 00:09) Dan Cleyne
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According to Chris's current blog article, the next SQL Anywhere version is planned for early 2013:

... SQL Anywhere Server, MobiLink and UltraLite in preparation for its next major release, currently scheduled in early 2013 ...

(08 Feb '12, 03:28) Volker Barth

The exact schedule for the next release is yet to be determined but the plan is to release it next year (2013).

As for what is the maximum database file size the documentation is correct: it depends on the file system that is storing the database file(s) and the page size that you have chosen. If you are using a 4K page size and storing your files on a "normal" disk on OSX then you can have a database up to 1TB if using one dbspace or 13TB if you split your data across 13 dbspaces. I'm not sure where you are seeing the 2GB limit - perhaps you saw it relating to the largest object size that can be stored in the database (which is 2GB).... or perhaps you are referring to the "other platforms and file systems" which could be limited to 2GB (i.e. the docs cannot list the thousands of file systems out there) - for example if you put your files on a FAT16 then the max file size (and volume size) is 2GB.

See for the full list of limits.

(08 Feb '12, 08:51) Mark Culp

Re. max database size: I'll add that SQL Anywhere stores its data in ordinary operating system files and using the ordinary operating system function calls to manage (create/read/write/grow) the database files and therefore it is at the mercy of the operating system and file system to do "the right thing". This is why we say "it depends".

(08 Feb '12, 08:55) Mark Culp

I had checked that same doc page, and truly, for OSX, there's no particular entry there (in contrast to other Unix derivats), therefore I had concluded that the "other platforms and file systems" would include OSX as well. - So a clarification might be helpful, methinks...

(08 Feb '12, 09:54) Volker Barth

I have sent a message to the doc team to have this clarified.

(08 Feb '12, 11:05) Mark Culp

Thanks guys. Very helpful information!

(08 Feb '12, 16:05) Dan Cleyne
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question asked: 07 Feb '12, 01:07

question was seen: 2,797 times

last updated: 08 Feb '12, 16:05