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Just wanted to get some clarification on the expected file permission behaviour when using sql anywhere as an embedded database on OSX (or any other nix)

When we create a brand new database it gets -r--r--r-- permissions. When we start a dbeng12 process using that database the file permissions change to -rw------- which is fair enough. Once we close the database the file permissions go back to -r--r--r--. Ok so far.

If I then change the file permissions (chmod g+w) then open and close the database again the file permissions go back to -r--r--r--. Is this what I should expect?

As we are using SA12 as an embedded db server, we are treating the files as user files and while I can understand the permission change when we have the file open, I need to be able to explain why the permissions don't go back to what they were before we opened the database to our QA department... :)

Cheers, Dan

asked 03 Dec '12, 23:12

Dan%20Cleyne's gravatar image

Dan Cleyne
accept rate: 25%

edited 04 Dec '12, 09:03

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

The file permissions changes that you are seeing are expected.

The database server changes the permissions to -rw------- when using it so that the server can update the file. When the database is closed the server changes the file permissions back to -r--r--r-- so that the file is not accidentally changed by other programs since if this were to happen the database would most likely be corrupted and you would lose your data.

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answered 04 Dec '12, 09:02

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

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question asked: 03 Dec '12, 23:12

question was seen: 2,126 times

last updated: 04 Dec '12, 09:03