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Hi all,

I found that there is method enableAesDBEncryption() and no setEncrption()in ConfigPersistent interface for Android. Is there any more details/document on that? Is it just by calling enableAesDBEncryption() and the ultralite db on android will be encrypted? if so, what encryption engine is it using? And what's the key?

Thanks so much!

asked 01 Feb '12, 23:54

mcmugchu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes, calling ConfigPersistent.enableAesDBEncryption() before database creation causes the UltraLite database to be encrypted with the C UltraLite Advanced Encryption Standard symmetric key encryption engine. ConfigPersistent.setDatabaseKey() is used to set the encryption key.

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answered 02 Feb '12, 09:54

Andy%20Quick's gravatar image

Andy Quick
accept rate: 45%

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question asked: 01 Feb '12, 23:54

question was seen: 2,660 times

last updated: 02 Feb '12, 09:54