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Im running SQL AnyWhere 11 (SQL Anywhere Network Server Version on Windows 7 Professional 64bit and I have a problem with connecting DB with PHP (PHP 5.2.14).

PHP raises this error: SQLAnywhere: [-100] Database server not found in ...

I have tryed to run SQLAnyWhere in 32bit, change PHP extension, etc. but without any success.

Could anybody help?

asked 12 Aug '10, 13:18

MrkEw's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Aug '10, 01:22

Calvin%20Allen's gravatar image

Calvin Allen

The error message you are getting indicates that the SA PHP driver was loaded successfully and that the driver can locate the SA installation files correctly.

Since your problem description is general, I am going to throw some questions at you and maybe that will help you isolate the source of the problem:

  • Are you able to connect with regular tools such as dbisql?
  • Is this problem specific to Windows 7? Has your SA+PHP installation worked on a Windows XP/Vista installation? Are both the client and the server on the same machine?
  • If you dump the output of php_info() or php -i to a file, do you see the correct SA version numbers in the SQLAnywhere extension section?
  • Have you tried to connect through different connection protocols? shared memory, tcpip? Do you get the same error in all cases?
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answered 12 Aug '10, 15:20

Mohammed%20Abouzour's gravatar image

Mohammed Abo...
accept rate: 37%

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question asked: 12 Aug '10, 13:18

question was seen: 7,034 times

last updated: 13 Aug '10, 01:22