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I'm upgrading SQLA from version 7 to version 12 and was entitled to give a small workshop regarding new features of the new version. I know that I can read the documentation and find some of them but, as I don't have any experience with this new version, I'm afraid of skipping some good or small improvement that made a big difference in running it. Could anyone share your opinion about it?

asked 23 Jan '12, 15:43

MarcosCunhaLima's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

As Mark has stated, it would be easier to name some features if you tell about your particular needs, e.g. it will depend on whether you are using (or will be using):

  • Synchronization/replication (particularly MobiLink has evolved largely)
  • Ultralite / mobile devices
  • Enterprise features (HA, OLAP, monitor...)
  • Development enhancements (much more APIs...)

just to name a few topics.

(24 Jan '12, 03:34) Volker Barth


Yes, you're right. I'm not using any synchronization or Ultralite. I will definitely use HA and OLAP. I don't know what to say about development enhancements as I use SQLA just as a backend to our software (an ERP).

(24 Jan '12, 08:39) MarcosCunhaLima

Not only did Version 12 contribute new features, but Versions 8 through 11 as well. The "Changes and Upgrading" section of the Help only goes back as far as Version 10 but it is well worth browsing for the highlights.

Many of the new features in Version 9 were covered in the book SQL Anywhere Studio 9 Developer's Guide.

Somewhat eclectic listicles may be found here: Top 10 Cool New Features In SQL Anywhere 10, Top 10 Cool New Features in SQL Anywhere 11 and Top 10 Features In SQL Anywhere 12.

And then there's my blog and the blogs by Chris Kleisath, Glenn Paulley, Tom Slee, Eric Farrar and Jason Hinsperger... lots of new features discussed there over the past four years.

The Big New Feature, of course, has been all the performance improvements over the years. You may find the occasional Query From Hell that performs worse than it did in Version 7 but for the most part everything will run much faster.

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answered 23 Jan '12, 16:38

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

My favorite new feature might be the builtin HTTP server because it opened up a whole new world of development possibilities.

(23 Jan '12, 16:40) Breck Carter

Breck I definitely follow your blog! Talking about HTTP server, can you tell me what can you do with it?

(24 Jan '12, 08:41) MarcosCunhaLima
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If you follow Breck's blog, you'll certainly know about Foxhound, Breck's browser-based SQL Anywhere database monitor:

The Foxhound server (or "engine") runs as a single SQL Anywhere database in a Version 12 engine configured to run as an HTTP (web) server.

In short, you can use SQL Anywhere as both a backend database and a webserver: Just set it up, and you have a full browser-based application within its own database...

(24 Jan '12, 09:09) Volker Barth

What is "best" about version 12 is going to depend on what you need!

Breck Carter wrote "Top 10 Features in SQL Anywhere 12" so perhaps that is a place to start.

Since SA 12 is built on SA 11 then Breck's paper on "Top 10 Cool New Features in SQL Anywhere 11" may also be an interesting read.

Similarly "Top 10 Cool New Features on SQL Anywhere 10" could be of some use to you.

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answered 23 Jan '12, 16:29

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

edited 23 Jan '12, 16:30

These two questions are also good lists of helpful features:

Feature you wish you found earlier than you did

How did you fall in love with SQLA

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answered 23 Jan '12, 17:13

Siger%20Matt's gravatar image

Siger Matt
accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 23 Jan '12, 15:43

question was seen: 2,605 times

last updated: 24 Jan '12, 09:13