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I'm having a problem deploying SQL Anywhere 12. I need to create 32-bit and 64-bit installs. The deployment wizard allows me to create both and they appear to be correct.
When attempting to load the created MSI however, it appears to load and at the last moment rolls back the install. It doesn't give an error message or anything. My assumption is that there is something wrong with the created MSI file, or the installation of SQLAnywhere 12 that is building it, but I don't know where to look. I have the OEM version that allows me to use the deployment wizard, so I don't think that is it. It may be installed incorrectly, but it works on the machine it is installed on.

asked 13 Dec '11, 16:14

paulrichter's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Mar '13, 21:31

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

Do you run the MSI file on the same box you have created it on?

I'd suggest to run the MSI file with logging enabled, i.e. with

MSIEXEC /i YourSAInstall.MSI /L YourLog.txt

(13 Dec '11, 17:42) Volker Barth

We had the same problem with EBF 3505. Our local Sybase representatives suggested such workaround:

Let's say, you have server A where an older version is installed (e. g. 3484) and server B with EBF 3505. Copy the whole SQL Anywhere directory from B to A (somewhere in temp directory, name it "tmp"). When generating MSI in server A, change SQL Anywhere directory to that "tmp".

It worked for us.

permanent link

answered 14 Dec '11, 04:50

Arthoor's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

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question asked: 13 Dec '11, 16:14

question was seen: 2,901 times

last updated: 15 Mar '13, 21:31