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We upgraded a server last weekend from ASA 9 to ASA12 64 bit. One query (execution plan attached) when executed pegs the CPU for one core (it is a 4 core machine) for several minutes. The same query on all of our other ASA 12 systems (and on ASA 9 systems) runs in seconds or less. The data on the other systems is different in content but not structure.

Before the upgrade this same query ran quickly. Other queries run well (or at least no others ones have been reported yet).

What makes this server different?

asked 07 Dec '11, 18:55

alex_whitney's gravatar image

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well, I guess since I do not have enough 'reputation points' I cannot upload the execution plan file. Suggestions on how to get this file here would be appreciated.

(07 Dec '11, 18:58) alex_whitney
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Hi, try to upload it to some free file hosting service ;)

(08 Dec '11, 04:01) marchello
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question asked: 07 Dec '11, 18:55

question was seen: 1,515 times

last updated: 08 Dec '11, 04:01