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When I try to create an edmx from my database it takes an extremely long time to complete. I have 900 tables in the database. I am adding 100 tables and views to my edmx. It has already been over 1 hour with out completing. Dbeng is running at 50% of cpu. The database is empty, just containing the table and view definition (when run againist a loaded database it never came back).

I am running version

When I tried adding just one table it took only a couple of seconds to complete.

Has anywone seen this behavhior?

asked 27 Sep '11, 19:10

Jturner's gravatar image

accept rate: 66%

edited 28 Sep '11, 12:06

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

Have you tried it just with tables, not views? By the way, you can add the tables one after the other to your model, you don't have to add all at once.

(28 Sep '11, 02:53) Martin

Actually adding views goes much quicker than adding tables. If it is just views it will take mere moments to add them. The reason I am adding so many items at one time is that this project is a rewrite of an existing product and the timeline is short for completion. The applicaiton has over 100 tables and views needed. It took over 5 hours to generate the model when I added 90 items at one time. For that entire time the database engine was using over 50% of the cpu.

(28 Sep '11, 11:57) Jturner

The solution was to move the database local to the machine and upgrade to windows 7 64 bit with 4 more gig of memory. This took the process from 4 hours to 30 seconds. Even when I added all 900 tables and 700 views to my EDMX. This is of course a non answer as when the database was on a server it was Window 2008 R2 with 14 gig of memory to play in.

As you can see this is a work around but does not answer the question of why this is hanppening.

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answered 14 Oct '11, 13:56

Jturner's gravatar image

accept rate: 66%


What do you mean by "move the database local to the machine"? Because you mention dbeng in the question, you shouldn't be allowed remote connections. Were you perhaps running the database from a mapped drive/network share/etc.? (Doing so could certainly increase time to do anything with the database.)

(14 Oct '11, 15:42) Tyson Lewis
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question asked: 27 Sep '11, 19:10

question was seen: 2,612 times

last updated: 14 Oct '11, 15:42