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Every now and then I have the problem, that on one machine the backup is not working. The error from dbbackup reads:

Error writing backup file "Invalid argument"
Attempted two active database requests
Database backup failed

From the runtime I assume that more or less the database backup process is at the end, maybe working on the transaction log file. Filesystem is in good shape and having still enough spare space.

The only parameters used to start dbbackup are -x -y -o and -c (of course)

Any idea, what might cause this cryptic error message?

asked 01 Sep '11, 10:47

Martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

"Attempted two active database requests" What else is going on during the backup ? Some other backup request, replication etc ?

(02 Sep '11, 06:26) ASchild
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no backup and no replication, just normal queries

(02 Sep '11, 06:59) Martin

DBLib generates this error if two threads try to use the same SQLCA at the same time. If you can reproduce this I suggest opening a support case. As a workaround you could try a server side backup and then copying the database to a different computer.

(02 Sep '11, 08:22) Ian McHardy
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question asked: 01 Sep '11, 10:47

question was seen: 2,296 times

last updated: 30 Dec '17, 14:46