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When I open can .sql file at Visual Studio 2010 and I click run, it open connection dialog to SQLServer. Does SA11 plugin for VS can do the same?

I'm working on EF4 project, and if will nice if I dont need to open isql to update my db schema.

asked 19 May '10, 03:25

Zote's gravatar image

accept rate: 43%

No you can't, so you'll need to run the script in Interactive SQL. Thank you for your comment though - I've taken notice of the feature.

Also, we just released EBF #2427 for Windows x86 and it includes SQL Anywhere support for Visual Studio 2010, including EF4. Please go ahead and try it out!

permanent link

answered 19 May '10, 19:09

Jos%C3%A9%20Ramos's gravatar image

José Ramos
accept rate: 30%

Thank you @José. And I'm running with build #2427 and using it with EF4.0

(20 May '10, 00:30) Zote
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question asked: 19 May '10, 03:25

question was seen: 3,288 times

last updated: 19 May '10, 19:09