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We are planing to upgrade Sybase SQL Anywhere 12 from Sybase SQL Anywhere 8.

Can any one pls let me know the step by step how to do that?

cheers bala

asked 29 Aug '11, 02:15

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accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Sep '11, 08:14

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

There's a whole chapter in the docs on this, and the steps required will depend on what you are currently using, i.e. personal engine vs. network server, SQL Remote, MobiLink ...

As to your application(s), it highly recommended to read all those "What's new" sections, particularly those w.r.t. behaviour changes.

Once you have done that, feel free to ask particular questions:)

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answered 29 Aug '11, 03:31

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%


Thank you for your information.

I'm planing to upgrade network server and SQL Remote.

While using dbunload wizard (Sybase Central), could you please tell me which option we need to select?

(Unload And Reload Into A New Database OR Unload And Reload Into an existing Databaase) Becz, i am getting confusion like which db file i need to use after the upgradation.

In the sybase doc, the steps are not clear, if you have any complete step by step document for this, please get me.

Thanks in advance.

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answered 29 Aug '11, 08:03

Bala's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Are you about to upgrade the remote databases, too? If so, how many are there, and need they be upgraded "automatically"/in the field?

Upgrading a SQL Remote setup (even only the consolidated) should be tested very(!) thoroughly in a test environment. Therefore I would suggest to use batch files to do the upgrade just to assure your steps are reproducible in the production environment once they have been tested successfully.

I would recommend reading that particular doc topic.

CAVEAT: The most important single point of failure in upgrading the consolidated is to mess around with the log offsets - if they do not fit between the last "old version log" and the first "new version log" (or with the database file's log offset information), SQL Remote will fail to apply messages. So log offsets must be handled with much care.

According to this doc, if you want to make any schema changes (or change some database creation options) you might have to build the new database "with manual intervention". DBTRAN and DBLOG are then used to adjust the log offsets.

Just in case you only want to leave the database schema as-is, you can use DBUNLOAD -ar command. This does handle log offsets accordingly.

To put it simple: You should really know what you're doing when upgrading SQL Remote...

(30 Aug '11, 03:24) Volker Barth


we have consolidated database and remote databases in different locations. Could you pls get me some sample batch files for upgrading?

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answered 02 Sep '11, 05:08

Bala's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I do not think it is a matter of the right batch files.

Your setup and environment will have unique properties that would be hard to account for in a generic batch file.

It will be easier to help you if you setup a test environment, try the steps included in the links above and in the documentation, and then come back with more specific questions.

(02 Sep '11, 09:24) Siger Matt
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I fully stated above "You should really know what you're doing when upgrading SQL Remote..."

We like to help but there's no substitute for one's personal experience.

(02 Sep '11, 10:27) Volker Barth

I am currently working with the same scenario. As stated above, if you don't know where to begin the solution is definetly not a 1-2-3-batch script as environents have too many unique properties.

(09 Dec '11, 04:36) OskarEmil
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question asked: 29 Aug '11, 02:15

question was seen: 4,543 times

last updated: 09 Dec '11, 04:36