Please be aware that the SAP SQL Anywhere Forum will be shut down on August 29th, 2024 when all it's content will be migrated to the SAP Community.


Curious who would be interested in this. I've had a conversation with someone on the inside at SAP/Waterloo. Asked if there was any kind of conflict-of-interest or legal issue with a group of us spinning up a new Open Source forum for SQL Anywhere developers.

We could use the same environment that Breck used when he set the first one up. We can use SQL Anywhere on the back end.

I was informed that the Waterloo group would participate.

Who's interested?

And does anyone know if we could pull the questions out of this forum before SAP pulls it down, or would we need to start from scratch?

asked 28 May, 14:59

Jeff%20Gibson's gravatar image

Jeff Gibson
accept rate: 20%

I, for one, would be interested.

Even if SAP redirect the domain name, I'm sure that the backend DB will still be intact.

(29 May, 03:10) gchq

We could use the same environment that Breck used when he set the first one up.

AFAIK, Breck had used StackExchange, i.e. StackOverflow software, and that was doomed to be taken away for "small communities" like ours back then. AFAIK, the current forum runs on open source software, namely OSQA (see here for a first reference... - and IIRC, SQL Anywhere has contributed to that, too.

(Sorry for the technical history, your suggestion looks interesting...)

(29 May, 03:27) Volker Barth

I would participate, as best I can, though I am much more of a consumer than a contributor

(29 May, 08:10) Bud Durland MRP

This would be interesting, however moderation would be a main issue. And, of cause, how can the people in the world find that small forum community? My guess is not from redirections or pinned posts from SAP.

(30 May, 02:58) ArcoW
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'how can the people in the world find that small forum community?' - SEO - it won't take very long before it gets picked up by the search engines. and .net are available. is available, but expensive (over $1k) and is half that amount.

(03 Jun, 03:12) gchq

Any news on a plan to realize this?

(11 Jun, 03:19) Martin
Please be aware that the content in SAP SQL Anywhere Forum will be migrated to the SAP Community in June and this forum will be retired.

What means this now, till when stays this site still available? What is meant with June, end of june? What is meant with retired (still alive but not active or totally down)?

(14 Jun, 03:13) Baron

What is meant with June, end of june?

It's almost a certainty that the original date we selected will be pushed back into August to allow for more testing. The banner on this forum will be updated and another email will be sent once we finalize this decision.

What is meant with retired (still alive but not active or totally down)?

Retired means totally down. After the migration, the DNS entry for will be changed to redirect to the SAP Community.


(14 Jun, 08:50) Reg Domaratzki
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I was speaking to Justin the other week and he mentioned this. I kept meaning to "vote" for it but I wasn't signed in and was being lazy on logging in when I saw it.

I have always found the forum super useful so having our own space would work for me.

permanent link

answered 25 Jun, 10:23

RADicalSYS's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

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question asked: 28 May, 14:59

question was seen: 635 times

last updated: 25 Jun, 10:23