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I want to create an event that logs info for any failed connection. I am trying to use the ConnectFailed event type, but that doesn't seem to fire for all failed conditions. In particular, if I have an inbound connection that fails because "Database server connection limit exceeded", I want to capture that as well as other information about the server. My event looks something like this:

create event connect_fail_event type "ConnectFailed" handler begin message 'ConnectFailed event fired at '||getdate() to console; end ;

If I put in an incorrect user/password then it fires. But if I exceed the number of allows connections, it doesn't fire.


asked 21 Oct '21, 09:51

markmumy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I'd usually also log the according event parameters like AppInfo, User and SQLCODE via the EVENT_PARAMETER() function. For the connection limit, I had expected SQLCODE -102 (SQLE_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS).

(21 Oct '21, 12:33) Volker Barth

Oh, absolutely. That's my plan. However, I can't get the event to fire when we've exceeded too many connections. Capturing any other data is pointless, since there's no event run to do the capture.

(21 Oct '21, 12:43) markmumy

Here's a WAG: try using a login_procedure to capture information about the failed connection.

(21 Oct '21, 16:23) Breck Carter

An event of type ConnectFailed would never fire on "Database server connection limit exceeded" as the connection object has not been initialized yet.

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answered 22 Oct '21, 09:50

chinmaydixit's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

So is that insider knowledge?

(Just because I would expect such technical statements primarily from SQL Anywhere team members...)

(22 Oct '21, 10:26) Volker Barth

I noticed this behavior few years ago in SA16 and did not see a connection id in All Connections in Sybase Central, but yes you are right, SA team members can confirm this.

(22 Oct '21, 10:37) chinmaydixit
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So would you see an otherwise failing connection there, say one faling because of wrong credentials?

(22 Oct '21, 11:01) Volker Barth

Correct. Wrong credentials doesn't show up either but syntax errors does.

(22 Oct '21, 11:19) chinmaydixit

Perhaps the server properties MaxConnections and ConnCount could be used in some way. I assume that if ConnCount == MaxConnections then the next connection attempt would fail. At least you'd know that you've reached the max. Not quite as good as knowing that a connection attempt failed because you have reached the max.

(22 Oct '21, 11:56) JBSchueler
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question asked: 21 Oct '21, 09:51

question was seen: 2,306 times

last updated: 22 Oct '21, 11:56