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hi i am using sql anywhere 12 ,and i want to connect to database through internet without using vpn, can i get it?

asked 21 Dec '20, 07:24

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edited 21 Dec '20, 08:22

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Volker Barth

You can use TLS to secure communications between a SQL Anywhere database server and its database clients – whether this is reasonable compared to a VPN, I can't tell.

(21 Dec '20, 08:21) Volker Barth

Providing you are running the database on a network server (dbsrv12), the most common issue is configuring to the connection across a firewall. See*d5e5368

(21 Dec '20, 08:25) Chris Keating
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question asked: 21 Dec '20, 07:24

question was seen: 976 times

last updated: 21 Dec '20, 08:25