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For the first time ever we're installing the Core edition license for SQL Anywhere 17 (4 cores), but at the start setup I only had an option to enter the number of licensed seats, without specifying that it's a Core license. So I entered 100 seats just to install the package.

But now I'm trying to change it using dblic utility:

dblic -l core dbsrv17.lic "Administrator" "Company"

but the utility does not run, I just get the usage text:

*SQL Anywhere Server Licensing Utility Version
Usage: dblic [options] license_file ["user name" "company name"]
        @<data> expands <data> from environment variable <data> or file <data>   
Options (use specified case, as shown):
        -l <type>      license type: perseat or core
        -k <key>       registration key
        -o <file>      append output messages to file
        -q             quiet: do not display messages
        -u <n>         number of users or processors for license*

Curiously, all of these work just fine:

dblic -l perseat -u 10 dbsrv17.lic "Administrator" "Company"

dblic -l perseat -u 200 dbsrv17.lic "Administrator" "Company"

dblic -l perseat -u 500 dbsrv17.lic "Administrator" "Company"

if I want to change the number of licensed seats, but switch "-l core" as indicated in SQL Anywhere 17 documentation does not work, I just get text with how to use dblic command?

Never done this before, so am I missing something about the DBLIC utility?


asked 08 Sep '20, 10:11

PcrMember's gravatar image

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edited 08 Sep '20, 10:19

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter


Maybe it wants a -u option...

-u <n> number of users or processors for license

(08 Sep '20, 10:18) Breck Carter

Hi Breck,

As ever you're the quickest to reply and absolutely right. God, I feel a bit stupid now, that should have been quite obvious!

Thanks a lot!

(08 Sep '20, 10:22) PcrMember

You should provide your license key for your Core license to the dblic command i.e.,

dblic -k <core_license_reg_key> dbsrv17.lic

(08 Sep '20, 10:23) Chris Keating
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Hi Chris, I' wanted to try that earlier, but I think I found in documentation that I shouldn't combine -u with -k switch.

I've just tried it now and the difference I get than using Breck's suggestion is that the dblic output reads

Licensed nodes: 1

instead of

Licensed cores: 4

What's the actual difference between a node and a core in this case? Our license was for 4 cores.

(08 Sep '20, 10:29) PcrMember

When I tested with -k, it modified a 25 user license to a 4 core with a 4 core advanced license. Breck is correct that you can provide the -u

i.e., dblic -u 4 -l core dbsrv17.lic

(08 Sep '20, 10:47) Chris Keating
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Hm, I hadn't thought about the advanced Edition parameter. Our license should have been 4-cores advanced license. I quote from our supplier:

"SQL Anywhere Advanced Edition [v16.0 SP6, v17.0 and later OEM - Commercial - Perpetual Licence (4+) Per Core - Electronic]"

But reading out DBLIC DBSRV17 now, it doesn't say "Advanced Edition" anywhere?

(08 Sep '20, 10:52) PcrMember

Please note that the license is an OEM edition so it will be reported as OEM Authenticated Edition.

(08 Sep '20, 14:46) Chris Keating
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question asked: 08 Sep '20, 10:11

question was seen: 979 times

last updated: 08 Sep '20, 14:46