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Hi All

I have done the following but get the PHP request_startup() for sqlanywhere module failed in Unknown on line 0 error:


tar -zxvf /opt/sqlanywhere17/installation/sqla17_client_linux_x86x64.tar.gz -C /opt/sqlanywhere17/installation
rm -rf /opt/sqlanywhere17/installation

Then get the client from

I've then copied the lib64 folder to /etc/SQLAnywhere/php73/lib64

I've added the extension to a file called sqlanywhere.ini in my conf.d folder: extension=/etc/SQLAnywhere/php73/lib64/

I created a file called sqlanywhere.conf in /etc/ containing:


And ran ldconfig

If I run "ldconfig -v" it shows all the various lib64 files for sqlanywhere

And then I restart the server and I get the "PHP request_startup() for sqlanywhere module failed in Unknown on line 0" error in my error logs

I've go this far but am absolutely stumped! Permissions? Apache not seeing the LDCONFIG? I'm really stuck and need to get a new server up asap! Any help appreciated!!

BTW I found this elsewhere on the forum but have no idea what file I would put this directive into

Adding: Environment=LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/sqlanywhere17/lib64 at the beginning of [Service] section in the httpd.service file solved the problem in my case.

asked 17 May '20, 18:06

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BTW I am using Serverpilot for managing my server. These docs show how config needs to be done.

(17 May '20, 18:08) alunr

Also my database is on a remote machine so no need for running databases on this Linux install just the client.

(17 May '20, 18:13) alunr

Are you running php7.2-fpm? I had this problem and fixed it by adding the line


to the file


(This was not required for sa

(18 May '20, 08:58) Terry Wilkinson
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question asked: 17 May '20, 18:06

question was seen: 1,454 times

last updated: 18 May '20, 09:00