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I see how we can authenticate SQL Anywhere users using an LDAP server. My question is: Can we obtain in SQL Anywhere code the LDAP Group that the authenticated user is a member of?

More generally, can anyone provide any guidance on querying LDAP server data from SQL Anywhere code?


asked 09 Apr '20, 10:17

dharrel's gravatar image

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Did you read this article in the SQL Anywhere Wiki?

(10 Apr '20, 05:37) Vlad

Thanks. It's not what I'm looking for, though. I'm looking for an LDAP API that can be easily called from SQL Anywhere stored procedure code. I need to query LDAP data.

Can anyone refer me to such an LDAP API?

(12 May '20, 13:18) dharrel
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Well, SQL Anywhere supports stored functions and procedures using external calls - among others in C, so you could call any LDAP C API from SQL Anywhere, e.g. that from the MS Windows SDK, or APIs in the other languages supported by external calls (.NET, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP). However, writing external functions/procedures is usually not that easy...

Probably it would be easier to use cmd_shell to call an according LDAP command line tool to do the actual LDAP query and analyze its output within the database server.

Note: I have not tried any of the above but have both worked with external C calls and calling cmd_shell.

(13 May '20, 03:00) Volker Barth
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question asked: 09 Apr '20, 10:17

question was seen: 1,196 times

last updated: 13 May '20, 03:01