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I have an Oracle procedure that uses SYS_REFCURSOR to return the output. Oracle SQL:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE p_purchase_sale_amounts
( adt                           IN  date,
  cursor_x                     OUT  SYS_REFCURSOR
   ld_offsetdate               date;

   ld_offsetdate               := adt;

   OPEN cursor_x FOR
   SELECT type,
          CASE WHEN type = 'A/P'
                   THEN CAST('TotalPurchases' AS varchar2(50))
                   ELSE CAST('TotalSales' AS varchar2(50))
          END                                  AS xlm_tag
     FROM (SELECT 'A/R'                        AS type,
                  COALESCE(SUM((ROUND(s1_prepayment.extended_amount,2) + ROUND(s1_prepayment.tax_1_amount, 2) + ROUND(s1_prepayment.tax_2_amount, 2) + ROUND(s1_prepayment.tax_3_amount,2))),0)
                                               AS amount1,
                  s1_prepayment.currency_code  AS currency_code,
                  s1_currency.description      AS currency_description
             FROM s1_prepayment,
            WHERE s1_prepayment.invoice_date >= ld_offsetdate
              AND s1_grainsmart_option.go_key = 1
              AND s1_grainsmart_option.ar_software_interface <> 'GS'
              AND s1_prepayment.currency_code = s1_currency.currency_code
            GROUP BY s1_prepayment.currency_code,
                     s1_currency.description) a
            GROUP BY currency_code,
          ) xxx
    GROUP BY xxx.type,


Is there a similar methodology on SQL Anywhere?

Thanks Murray

asked 06 Feb '20, 12:33

murraysobol's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 07 Feb '20, 07:56

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter

I don't know anything about Oracle, but if you want a SQLA procedure to return a result set, you don't need to declare a cursor, just put the sql query in the body of the procedure and include a result clause eg:

ALTER PROCEDURE "pears"."UserPayrollRuns" 
(IN @EmployeeCodeList char(255), IN @startdate date, IN @enddate date)
RESULT(EmployeeCode char(6),CompanyCode char(2),PaymentDate date,Period char(21),GrossPay double,Deductions double, 
NetPay double,PeriodNumber char(2),payslipfullpath long varchar) 
       s.EmployeeCode as "EMPLOYEECODE",
       s.CompanyCode as "COMPANYCODE", 
       date(PaymentDate) as "PAYMENTDATE",
    etc etc
    group by whatever

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answered 07 Feb '20, 05:55

Justin%20Willey's gravatar image

Justin Willey
accept rate: 20%


Thanks, people - I now have a better understanding re: getting result sets from a procedure.

I was able to correct my errors. Murray

(07 Feb '20, 13:55) murraysobol

I'm not familiar with ORACLE and SYS_REFCURSOR, either, but it seems that the SYS_REFCURSOR is meant to give the client calling the ORACLE STP control over how many rows from the result set it wants to fetch. (So I would assume that otherwise the client would be supplied with all rows.)

If this is correct, please have a look at Mark's thorough description of the way SQL Anywhere's procedures handle their result sets:

In a nutshell, SQL Anywhere generally just provides as many rows as the client requests, so that seems quite similar to the SYS_REFCURSOR facility IMVHO.

permanent link

answered 07 Feb '20, 08:21

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%


That is a really useful reference - thanks

(07 Feb '20, 08:57) Justin Willey
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Yep, the Golden WATCOM rule:)

(07 Feb '20, 09:14) Volker Barth
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question asked: 06 Feb '20, 12:33

question was seen: 1,198 times

last updated: 07 Feb '20, 13:55