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I made a stored-procedure that charck if a signature is good and re-do the signature (with different values).

I look with the profiler what appen and the server have execute 11 000+ time a query that isn't in my procedure during the execution of this last one.

Here the query :

select cast(null as char(128)) as "TABLE_CAT",
    "SYSUSER"."user_name" as "TABLE_SCHEM",
    "SYSTABLE"."table_name" as "TABLE_NAME",
    "column_name" as "COLUMN_NAME",
    cast((select "count"() from "SYS"."SYSCOLUMN" as "other" where "table_id" = "SYSTABLE"."table_id" and "column_id" <= "SYSCOLUMN"."column_id" and "pkey" = 'Y') as smallint) as "KEY_SEQ",
    "SYSCONSTRAINT"."constraint_name" as "PK_NAME"
from "SYS"."SYSCOLUMN" join "SYS"."SYSTABLE" on "SYSCOLUMN"."table_id" = "SYSTABLE"."table_id" join "SYS"."SYSUSER" on "SYSTABLE"."creator" = "SYSUSER"."user_id" join "SYS"."SYSCONSTRAINT" on("SYSTABLE"."object_id" = "SYSCONSTRAINT"."table_object_id")
where "user_name" = 'DBA'
and "table_name" = 'SIG'
and "pkey" = 'Y' and "constraint_type" = 'P'
order by 1 asc,2 asc,3 asc,5 asc

I passed the query, to see what is the result, it return this : TABLE_CAT;TABLE_SCHEM;TABLE_NAME;COLUMN_NAME;KEY_SEQ;PK_NAME


This is the primary key of the table where I store the signature.

So did someone knows why the server run it 11 000+ times ?

thanks in advence.

asked 19 Jul '19, 12:14

Ben8sens's gravatar image

accept rate: 44%

Are you using SQL Anywhere 17?

If so, did you use Comprehensive Profiling or Targeted Profiling?

In Comprehensive Profiling, the Operations and Statements tabs show statements from the client and the Profiling tab shows statements inside stored procedures.

In Targeted Profiling, the Operations and Statements tabs show statements from both the client AND inside stored procedures but it's not clear which is which; the Profiling tab is empty.

IMO the Profiling tab of Comprehensive Profiling is worth the effort... it is wonderful for finding bottlenecks inside stored procedures.

To find runaway connections, I suggest Foxhound.

(24 Jul '19, 09:23) Breck Carter

Each time you run a query that returns a result set in Interactive SQL, the getPrimaryKeys() method will be executed. This is the "select null as "TABLE_CAT",null as "TABLE_SCHEM",..." that you see in the log.

Tools like Interactive SQL and SQL Central want to provide you with column names, and all kinds of of other meta-data. Hence the "weird" queries. You wouldn't see this in your own applications unless you asked for it.

So if you see this query executed 11,000+ times, there must be something that you are doing 11,000+ times that would cause this. I'd look at the request level logging output to see what occurs between each of the getPrimaryKeys() calls.

(28 Aug '19, 14:16) JBSchueler

I find that my procedure had a "SELECT ... FROM" instead of "SELECT ... INTO ...FROM" in a loop, but I was running it from interactive sql so it run the procedure normaly, it could be the reason of these weird query I saw in the profiler ?

(29 Aug '19, 04:05) Ben8sens
Replies hidden

Well, if your procedure does a regular SELECT (i.e. no INTO or not "SET ... = (SELECT...)", the result set will be returned to the caller, in your case to DBISQL. And that (as Jack has explained) will try to describe the result set in order to provide a fitting representation within its GUI (say, it has to know the result sets column names, data types and the like).

So, if your procedure does return such a result set within a loop, DBISQL will try to display as many result sets, and therefore will issue that many calls to get the according meta-data.

(29 Aug '19, 07:15) Volker Barth

This looks like the query that is generated for the ODBC SQLPrimaryKeys() function. Do you have any ODBC applications running against the database?

permanent link

answered 22 Jul '19, 09:21

JBSchueler's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

I find that my procedure had a "SELECT ... FROM" instead of "SELECT ... INTO ...FROM" in a loop, but I was running it from interactive sql so it run the procedure normaly, it could be the reason of these weird query I saw in the profiler ?

(28 Aug '19, 08:31) Ben8sens
Replies hidden

Please answer the questions in the first comment on your original question.

(28 Aug '19, 10:16) Breck Carter

That query MAY have come from dbisql. You can see it and MANY MORE "strange queries" by starting dbsrv17 -zr ALL and then running this query in dbisql: SELECT * FROM dummy.

Here's what the request level logging output looks like (I'm sure scjview.exe does something similar):

Scroll down half-way to see your query "select cast(null as char(128))..."

0723 133954.249,<,1,CONNECT
+1,<,1,PREPARE,select "property"('ProductVersion'),case when 'A' <> 'a' then 1 else 0 end,"isnull"("property"('IsIQ'),'NO'),"isnull"("connection_property"('odbc_distinguish_char_and_varchar'),'Off'),"isnull"("connection_property"('odbc_describe_binary_as_varbinary'),'Off'),"connection_property"('charset'),"db_property"('charset'),"connection_property"('quoted_identifier'),case when "connection_property"('auto_commit') is null then 0 else 1 end
=,<,1,PREPARE,select "count"() from "SYS"."SYSOPTION" as "o","SYS"."SYSUSER" as "u" where "o"."user_id" = "u"."user_id" and "o"."option" = 'timestamp_with_time_zone_format' and "u"."user_name" = 'PUBLIC'
+2,P,1,GrByS{1}[ su<user_name>{1} JNL{1} ISYSOPTION<isysoption(io)>{1} ]
=,<,1,PREPARE,  set temporary option "time_format" = 'hh:nn:ss';   set temporary option "timestamp_format" = 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.ssssss';   set temporary option "date_format" = 'yyyy-mm-dd';   set temporary option "date_order" = 'ymd';   set temporary option "isolation_level" = '0';   set temporary option "timestamp_with_time_zone_format" = 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.ssssss +hh:nn';   set temporary option "auto_commit" = 'ON'
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option time_format = 'hh:nn:ss'
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option timestamp_format = 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.ssssss'
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option date_format = 'yyyy-mm-dd'
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option date_order = 'ymd'
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option isolation_level = '0'
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option timestamp_with_time_zone_format = 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.ssssss +hh:nn'
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option auto_commit = 'ON'
=,<,1,PREPARE,set temporary option "ISOLATION_LEVEL" = 
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
=,<,1,PREPARE,set temporary option "auto_commit" = 'OFF'
=,<,1,PREPARE,set temporary option "Connection_authentication" = 'Company=Sybase;Application=DBTools;Signature=000fa55157edb8e14d818eb4fe3db41447146f1571g2a1b5949cab32c7760419117ca3ce88770fecfd7'
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
=,<,1,PREPARE,  set temporary option "sql_flagger_error_level" = 'W';   set temporary option "sql_flagger_warning_level" = 'W';   if("connection_property"('Suppress_TDS_debugging') is not null) then set temporary option "Suppress_TDS_debugging" = 'on' end if;   if("connection_property"('Return_date_time_as_string') is not null) then set temporary option "Return_date_time_as_String" = 'on' end if;   set "textsize" 2147483647
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option sql_flagger_error_level = 'W'
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option sql_flagger_warning_level = 'W'
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option Suppress_TDS_debugging = 'on'
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option Return_date_time_as_String = 'on'
=,[,1,batch,1,set textsize 2147483647
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
=,<,1,PREPARE,select "db_name"()
=,<,1,PREPARE,select "db_property"('ReadOnly')
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
=,<,1,PREPARE,select @@version
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
+1,<,1,PREPARE,  if("connection_property"('return_date_time_as_string') is not null) then set temporary option "return_date_time_as_string" = 'off' end if;   if("connection_property"('Time_format') is not null) then set temporary option "Time_format" = end if;   if("connection_property"('Time_zone_adjustment') is not null) then set temporary option "Time_zone_adjustment" = '-240' end if;   if("connection_property"('Date_format') is not null) then set temporary option "Date_format" = end if;   if("connection_property"('Timestamp_format') is not null) then set temporary option "Timestamp_format" = end if;   if("connection_property"('Date_order') is not null) then set temporary option "Date_order" = end if;   if("connection_property"('Timestamp_with_time_zone_format') is not null) then set temporary option "Timestamp_with_time_zone_format" = end if;   if("connection_property"('Progress_messages') is not null) then set temporary option "Progress_messages" = 'formatted' end if
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option return_date_time_as_string = 'off'
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option Time_format = 
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option Time_zone_adjustment = '-240'
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option Date_format = 
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option Timestamp_format = 
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option Date_order = 
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option Timestamp_with_time_zone_format = 
=,[,1,batch,1,set temporary option Progress_messages = 'formatted'
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
=,<,1,PREPARE,select "connection_property"('userid')
=,<,1,PREPARE,select @@version
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
+1,<,1,PREPARE,select "property"('ServerName')
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
=,<,1,PREPARE,select null as "TABLE_CAT",null as "TABLE_SCHEM",null as "TABLE_NAME",'TABLE' as "TABLE_TYPE",null as "REMARKS" union all select null,null,null,'VIEW',null union all select null,null,null,'SYSTEM TABLE',null union all select null,null,null,'SYSTEM VIEW',null union all select null,null,null,'GLOBAL TEMPORARY',null union all select null,null,null,'TEXT',null union all select null,null,null,'PARTITION',null
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
=,P,1,DUMMY<seq> UA DUMMY<seq> UA DUMMY<seq> UA DUMMY<seq> UA DUMMY<seq> UA DUMMY<seq> UA DUMMY<seq>
=,P,1,UA{7} [DUMMY<seq>{1} UA DUMMY<seq>{1} UA DUMMY<seq>{1} UA DUMMY<seq>{1} UA DUMMY<seq>{1} UA DUMMY<seq>{1} UA DUMMY<seq>{1}]
=,<,1,PREPARE,select "db_name"()
=,<,1,PREPARE,select "setting" from "sys"."SYSUSEROPTIONS" where "option" = 'post_login_procedure' and "user_name" = 'dba'
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
+1,P,1,u<user_name> JNL u<user_name> JNL opt<isysoption> : s<isysoption>
=,P,1,u<user_name>{1} JNL{1} u<user_name>{1} JNL{1} opt<isysoption>{1} : s<isysoption>{0}
=,<,1,PREPARE,call "dbo"."sa_post_login_procedure"()
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
=,[,1,sa_post_login_procedure,10,set password_about_to_expire = 0
=,[,1,sa_post_login_procedure,11,set creation_date = (select cast(password_creation_time as date)     from SYS.SYSUSER     where user_name = current user)
=,[,1,sa_post_login_procedure,14,set life_time = (select case login_option_value when 'unlimited' then-1 else login_option_value end     from SYS.SYSUSER as u       key join SYS.SYSLOGINPOLICY as lp       key join SYS.SYSLOGINPOLICYOPTION as lpo     where user_name = current user     and login_option_name = 'password_life_time')
+1,P,1,su<user_name>{1} JNL{1} ISYSLOGINPOLICYOPTION<isysloginpolicyoption>{1}
=,[,1,sa_post_login_procedure,51,set message_text = null
=,[,1,sa_post_login_procedure,52,set message_action = 0
=,[,1,sa_post_login_procedure,54,select message_text,message_action
=,<,1,PREPARE,select "connection_extended_property"('CharSet','Java')
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
=,<,1,PREPARE,select "count"(distinct("creator" || '.' || "table_name")) from "sa_locks"("connection_property"('number')) where "table_name" <> 'EXCLUDEOBJECT'
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
=,P,1,GrByS[ Sort[ sa_locks<call> ] ]
=,P,1,GrByS{1}[ Sort{0}[ sa_locks<call>{0} ] ]
=,<,1,PREPARE,select "count"(distinct("creator" || '.' || "table_name")) from "sa_locks"("connection_property"('number')) where "table_name" <> 'EXCLUDEOBJECT'
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
=,P,1,GrByS[ Sort[ sa_locks<call> ] ]
0723 134001.670,<,1,CLOSE_BY_NAME
=,P,1,GrByS{1}[ Sort{0}[ sa_locks<call>{0} ] ]
=,<,1,PREPARE,select null as "TABLE_CAT",null as "TABLE_SCHEM",null as "TABLE_NAME",'TABLE' as "TABLE_TYPE",null as "REMARKS" union all select null,null,null,'VIEW',null union all select null,null,null,'SYSTEM TABLE',null union all select null,null,null,'SYSTEM VIEW',null union all select null,null,null,'GLOBAL TEMPORARY',null union all select null,null,null,'TEXT',null union all select null,null,null,'PARTITION',null
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
=,P,1,DUMMY<seq> UA DUMMY<seq> UA DUMMY<seq> UA DUMMY<seq> UA DUMMY<seq> UA DUMMY<seq> UA DUMMY<seq>
=,P,1,UA{7} [DUMMY<seq>{1} UA DUMMY<seq>{1} UA DUMMY<seq>{1} UA DUMMY<seq>{1} UA DUMMY<seq>{1} UA DUMMY<seq>{1} UA DUMMY<seq>{1}]
=,<,1,PREPARE,select case 'A' when 'a' then 0 else 1 end
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
=,<,1,PREPARE,select "COUNT"() from "dbo"."EXCLUDEOBJECT"
+1,P,1,[S]GrByS{1}[ EXCLUDEOBJECT<seq>{503} ]
=,<,1,PREPARE,select cast(null as char(128)) as "TABLE_CAT","SYSUSER"."user_name" as "TABLE_SCHEM","SYSTABLE"."table_name" as "TABLE_NAME",case "table_type" when 'VIEW' then case when("user_name" = 'SYS') or("user_name" = 'rs_systabgroup') or("user_name" = 'dbo' and "table_name" = any(select "name" from "dbo"."EXCLUDEOBJECT" where "type" not in( 'P','T' ) )) then 'SYSTEM VIEW' else 'VIEW' end when 'BASE' then case when("user_name" = 'SYS') or("user_name" = 'rs_systabgroup') or("user_name" = 'dbo' and "table_name" = any(select "name" from "dbo"."EXCLUDEOBJECT" where "type" not in( 'P','T' ) )) then 'SYSTEM TABLE' else 'TABLE' end when 'GBL TEMP' then 'GLOBAL TEMPORARY' when 'MAT VIEW' then 'VIEW' when 'TEXT' then 'TEXT' when 'PARTITION' then 'PARTITION' else 'LOCAL TEMPORARY' end as "TABLE_TYPE",cast("byte_substr"("SYSTABLE"."remarks",1,254) as varchar(254)) as "REMARKS"   from "SYS"."SYSTABLE" join "SYS"."SYSUSER" on "SYSTABLE"."creator" = "SYSUSER"."user_id"   where "table_name" like 'dumm%' escape '~'   and "TABLE_TYPE" in( 'TABLE','GLOBAL TEMPORARY','VIEW','VIEW' )    order by 4 asc,1 asc,2 asc,3 asc
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
+1,P,1,Work[ Sort[ tab<table_name> JNLO(m) r<seq> JNL su<isysuser> ] ] : EXCLUDEOBJECT<excludeobject> : EXCLUDEOBJECT<excludeobject>
=,W,1,100,Row not found
=,P,1,Work{0}[ Sort{0}[ tab<table_name>{1} JNLO(m){1} r<seq>{0} JNL{0} su<isysuser>{0} ] ] : EXCLUDEOBJECT<excludeobject> : EXCLUDEOBJECT<excludeobject>
=,<,1,PREPARE,select cast(null as char(128)) as "PROCEDURE_CAT","user_name" as "PROCEDURE_SCHEM","proc_name" as "PROCEDURE_NAME",cast((select "count"() from "SYS"."SYSPROCPARM" where "proc_id" = "SYSPROCEDURE"."proc_id" and "parm_mode_in" = 'Y') as integer) as "NUM_INPUT_PARAMS",cast((select "count"() from "SYS"."SYSPROCPARM" where "proc_id" = "SYSPROCEDURE"."proc_id" and "parm_type" <> 1 and "parm_mode_out" = 'Y') as integer) as "NUM_OUTPUT_PARAMS",cast((select "count"() from "SYS"."SYSPROCPARM" where "proc_id" = "SYSPROCEDURE"."proc_id" and("parm_type" = 1 or("parm_mode_in" = 'N' and "parm_mode_out" = 'N'))) as integer) as "NUM_RESULT_SETS",cast("byte_substr"("SYSPROCEDURE"."remarks",1,254) as varchar(254)) as "REMARKS",cast("coalesce"(case(select "max"("parm_type") from "SYS"."SYSPROCPARM" where "proc_id" = "SYS"."SYSPROCEDURE"."proc_id") when 4 then 2 else 1 end,1) as smallint) as "PROCEDURE_TYPE"   from "SYS"."SYSPROCEDURE" join "SYS"."SYSUSER" on "SYSPROCEDURE"."creator" = "SYSUSER"."user_id"   where "proc_name" like 'dumm%' escape '~'   order by 1 asc,2 asc,3 asc
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
+1,P,1,Work[ Sort[ b<procedure_name> JNLO(m) r<seq> JNL su<isysuser> ] ] : GrByS[ pp<isysprocedure> ] : GrByS[ pp<isysprocedure> ] : GrByS[ pp<isysprocedure> ] : GrByS[ pp<isysprocedure> ]
=,W,1,100,Row not found
=,P,1,Work{0}[ Sort{0}[ b<procedure_name>{0} JNLO(m){0} r<seq> JNL{0} su<isysuser> ] ] : GrByS[ pp<isysprocedure> ] : GrByS[ pp<isysprocedure> ] : GrByS[ pp<isysprocedure> ] : GrByS[ pp<isysprocedure> ]
=,<,1,PREPARE,select cast(null as char(128)) as "TABLE_CAT","user_name" as "TABLE_SCHEM",cast(null as char(128)) as "TABLE_NAME",cast(null as char(128)) as "TABLE_TYPE",cast(null as char(254)) as "REMARKS"   from "SYS"."SYSUSER"   order by "user_name" asc
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
+1,P,1,Work[ Sort[ su<seq> ] ]
=,W,1,100,Row not found
=,<,1,PREPARE,select "COUNT"() from "dbo"."EXCLUDEOBJECT"
+1,P,1,[S]GrByS{1}[ EXCLUDEOBJECT<seq>{503} ]
=,<,1,PREPARE,select cast(null as char(128)) as "TABLE_CAT","SYSUSER"."user_name" as "TABLE_SCHEM","SYSTABLE"."table_name" as "TABLE_NAME",case "table_type" when 'VIEW' then case when("user_name" = 'SYS') or("user_name" = 'rs_systabgroup') or("user_name" = 'dbo' and "table_name" = any(select "name" from "dbo"."EXCLUDEOBJECT" where "type" not in( 'P','T' ) )) then 'SYSTEM VIEW' else 'VIEW' end when 'BASE' then case when("user_name" = 'SYS') or("user_name" = 'rs_systabgroup') or("user_name" = 'dbo' and "table_name" = any(select "name" from "dbo"."EXCLUDEOBJECT" where "type" not in( 'P','T' ) )) then 'SYSTEM TABLE' else 'TABLE' end when 'GBL TEMP' then 'GLOBAL TEMPORARY' when 'MAT VIEW' then 'VIEW' when 'TEXT' then 'TEXT' when 'PARTITION' then 'PARTITION' else 'LOCAL TEMPORARY' end as "TABLE_TYPE",cast("byte_substr"("SYSTABLE"."remarks",1,254) as varchar(254)) as "REMARKS"   from "SYS"."SYSTABLE" join "SYS"."SYSUSER" on "SYSTABLE"."creator" = "SYSUSER"."user_id"   where "table_name" like 'dummy%' escape '~'   and "TABLE_TYPE" in( 'TABLE','GLOBAL TEMPORARY','VIEW','VIEW' )    order by 4 asc,1 asc,2 asc,3 asc
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
+1,P,1,Work[ Sort[ tab<table_name> JNLO(m) r<seq> JNL su<isysuser> ] ] : EXCLUDEOBJECT<excludeobject> : EXCLUDEOBJECT<excludeobject>
=,W,1,100,Row not found
=,P,1,Work{0}[ Sort{0}[ tab<table_name>{1} JNLO(m){1} r<seq>{0} JNL{0} su<isysuser>{0} ] ] : EXCLUDEOBJECT<excludeobject> : EXCLUDEOBJECT<excludeobject>
=,<,1,PREPARE,select cast(null as char(128)) as "PROCEDURE_CAT","user_name" as "PROCEDURE_SCHEM","proc_name" as "PROCEDURE_NAME",cast((select "count"() from "SYS"."SYSPROCPARM" where "proc_id" = "SYSPROCEDURE"."proc_id" and "parm_mode_in" = 'Y') as integer) as "NUM_INPUT_PARAMS",cast((select "count"() from "SYS"."SYSPROCPARM" where "proc_id" = "SYSPROCEDURE"."proc_id" and "parm_type" <> 1 and "parm_mode_out" = 'Y') as integer) as "NUM_OUTPUT_PARAMS",cast((select "count"() from "SYS"."SYSPROCPARM" where "proc_id" = "SYSPROCEDURE"."proc_id" and("parm_type" = 1 or("parm_mode_in" = 'N' and "parm_mode_out" = 'N'))) as integer) as "NUM_RESULT_SETS",cast("byte_substr"("SYSPROCEDURE"."remarks",1,254) as varchar(254)) as "REMARKS",cast("coalesce"(case(select "max"("parm_type") from "SYS"."SYSPROCPARM" where "proc_id" = "SYS"."SYSPROCEDURE"."proc_id") when 4 then 2 else 1 end,1) as smallint) as "PROCEDURE_TYPE"   from "SYS"."SYSPROCEDURE" join "SYS"."SYSUSER" on "SYSPROCEDURE"."creator" = "SYSUSER"."user_id"   where "proc_name" like 'dummy%' escape '~'   order by 1 asc,2 asc,3 asc
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
+1,P,1,Work[ Sort[ b<procedure_name> JNLO(m) r<seq> JNL su<isysuser> ] ] : GrByS[ pp<isysprocedure> ] : GrByS[ pp<isysprocedure> ] : GrByS[ pp<isysprocedure> ] : GrByS[ pp<isysprocedure> ]
=,W,1,100,Row not found
=,P,1,Work{0}[ Sort{0}[ b<procedure_name>{0} JNLO(m){0} r<seq> JNL{0} su<isysuser> ] ] : GrByS[ pp<isysprocedure> ] : GrByS[ pp<isysprocedure> ] : GrByS[ pp<isysprocedure> ] : GrByS[ pp<isysprocedure> ]
=,<,1,PREPARE,select cast(null as char(128)) as "TABLE_CAT","user_name" as "TABLE_SCHEM",cast(null as char(128)) as "TABLE_NAME",cast(null as char(128)) as "TABLE_TYPE",cast(null as char(254)) as "REMARKS"   from "SYS"."SYSUSER"   order by "user_name" asc
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
=,P,1,Work[ Sort[ su<seq> ] ]
=,W,1,100,Row not found
=,<,1,PREPARE,select * from "dummy"
=,<,1,PREPARE,select cast(null as char(128)) as "TABLE_CAT","SYSUSER"."user_name" as "TABLE_SCHEM","SYSTABLE"."table_name" as "TABLE_NAME","column_name" as "COLUMN_NAME",cast((select "count"() from "SYS"."SYSCOLUMN" as "other" where "table_id" = "SYSTABLE"."table_id" and "column_id" <= "SYSCOLUMN"."column_id" and "pkey" = 'Y') as smallint) as "KEY_SEQ","SYSCONSTRAINT"."constraint_name" as "PK_NAME"   from "SYS"."SYSCOLUMN" join "SYS"."SYSTABLE" on "SYSCOLUMN"."table_id" = "SYSTABLE"."table_id" join "SYS"."SYSUSER" on "SYSTABLE"."creator" = "SYSUSER"."user_id" join "SYS"."SYSCONSTRAINT" on("SYSTABLE"."object_id" = "SYSCONSTRAINT"."table_object_id")   where "user_name" = 'SYS'   and "table_name" = 'DUMMY'   and "pkey" = 'Y' and "constraint_type" = 'P'   order by 1 asc,2 asc,3 asc,5 asc
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
+2,P,1,Work[ Sort[ tab<table_name> JNL su<user_name> JNL ISYSCONSTRAINT<isysobject001> JNL col<isystab> JNLO(m) c<isysidxcol> ] ] : GrByS[ col<isystabcol(io)> JNLO(m) c<isysidxcol> ]
=,W,1,100,Row not found
=,P,1,Work{0}[ Sort{0}[ tab<table_name>{1} JNL{1} su<user_name>{1} JNL{0} ISYSCONSTRAINT<isysobject001>{0} JNL{0} col<isystab> JNLO(m){0} c<isysidxcol> ] ] : GrByS[ col<isystabcol(io)> JNLO(m) c<isysidxcol> ]
=,<,1,PREPARE,select cast(null as char(128)) as "TABLE_CAT","SYSUSER"."user_name" as "TABLE_SCHEM","SYSTABLE"."table_name" as "TABLE_NAME","column_name" as "COLUMN_NAME",cast((select "count"() from "SYS"."SYSCOLUMN" as "other" where "table_id" = "SYSTABLE"."table_id" and "column_id" <= "SYSCOLUMN"."column_id" and "pkey" = 'Y') as smallint) as "KEY_SEQ","SYSCONSTRAINT"."constraint_name" as "PK_NAME"   from "SYS"."SYSCOLUMN" join "SYS"."SYSTABLE" on "SYSCOLUMN"."table_id" = "SYSTABLE"."table_id" join "SYS"."SYSUSER" on "SYSTABLE"."creator" = "SYSUSER"."user_id" join "SYS"."SYSCONSTRAINT" on("SYSTABLE"."object_id" = "SYSCONSTRAINT"."table_object_id")   where "user_name" = 'SYS'   and "table_name" = 'DUMMY'   and "pkey" = 'Y' and "constraint_type" = 'P'   order by 1 asc,2 asc,3 asc,5 asc
=,W,1,111,Statement cannot be executed
+1,P,1,Work[ Sort[ tab<table_name> JNL su<user_name> JNL ISYSCONSTRAINT<isysobject001> JNL col<isystab> JNLO(m) c<isysidxcol> ] ] : GrByS[ col<isystabcol(io)> JNLO(m) c<isysidxcol> ]
=,W,1,100,Row not found
=,P,1,Work{0}[ Sort{0}[ tab<table_name>{1} JNL{1} su<user_name>{1} JNL{0} ISYSCONSTRAINT<isysobject001>{0} JNL{0} col<isystab> JNLO(m){0} c<isysidxcol> ] ] : GrByS[ col<isystabcol(io)> JNLO(m) c<isysidxcol> ]
=,W,1,105,Procedure has completed
=,P,1,GrByS[ Sort[ sa_locks<call> ] ]
=,P,1,GrByS[ Sort[ sa_locks<call> ] ]
+4,P,1,[R][0]GrByS{1}[ Sort{0}[ sa_locks<call>{1} ] ]
=,P,1,Work{129}[ Sort{129}[ su<seq>{129} ] ]
=,P,1,Work{129}[ Sort{129}[ su<seq>{129} ] ]

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answered 23 Jul '19, 13:43

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

edited 23 Jul '19, 13:47


Breck is correct. It could have come from dbisql since dbisql uses the JDBC driver which is built on ODBC and the JDBC driver makes use of SQLPrimaryKeys (getPrimaryKeys()) and other schema functions such as SQLTables (getTables(), getCatalogs(), getSchemas(), getTableTypes()), and many more.

(23 Jul '19, 14:03) JBSchueler
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But that would not yet explain several thousand calls of that ODBC catalog query, right?

(23 Jul '19, 16:55) Volker Barth

It might, if a stored procedure called xp_cmdshell inside a loop to repeatedly run dbisql, instead of EXECUTE IMMEDIATE inside a loop... the difference in overhead might be significant :)

(24 Jul '19, 09:49) Breck Carter
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question asked: 19 Jul '19, 12:14

question was seen: 1,231 times

last updated: 29 Aug '19, 07:15