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How do you break out from a sybase stored procedure call if it hangs or takes too long? Is there a command or setting to prevent stored procedures from taking more than a certain amount of time?

asked 17 Jan '12, 17:07

csfi_bej's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

To Break out:

using Sybase Central, go to 'connections' ... find it .. right click, and choose 'disconnect'!

the actual command is 'Drop Connection <id#>'

I do not know of a way to time out without building code within the stored proc.

Better solution ... find out the bottleneck, and solve it!

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answered 17 Jan '12, 20:28

Frum%20Dude's gravatar image

Frum Dude
accept rate: 0%

In general, you might use the request_timeout database option to prevent a request to take too long - preferably as a temporary option and not as a public option...

I would think that you will have to set that option beforehand, something like

SET TEMPORARY OPTION request_timeout = 120; -- 2 minutes
CALL MyPossibleRunawayProc();
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answered 18 Jan '12, 03:51

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

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question asked: 17 Jan '12, 17:07

question was seen: 3,814 times

last updated: 18 Jan '12, 03:51