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I'm a SQL Server DBA tasked with providing support for a SQL Anywhere database. We have a new vendor who is building our new POS system using a SQL Anywhere database as the back end of their application. I've been trying to find training to be able to support the application and create a disaster recovery plan. I even reached out to SAP. However, I'm having a very difficult time finding anyone who will provide training for things beyond writing SQL like maintenance plans strategies for backups, database integrity, index maintenance or restore processes. I found this link: which is helpful but would prefer an instructor. Does anyone know of any training resources? Thanks!

asked 06 May '19, 14:20

dangris's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

{advertisement} I do deliver trainings in workshop style onsite, individually, not with the elaborate materials of a Sybase / SAP Learning course, but with a prepared agenda or prepared hands-on exercises if demanded. Also, I can coach admins or developers based on their daily routine or current to-do list. Geographical range is Western EU (optionally Eastern EU or EFTA). I can deliver in English or German.
I hope this is compliant to forum rules. Otherwise, please accept my apologies.

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answered 08 May '19, 06:27

Volker%20DB-TecKy's gravatar image

Volker DB-TecKy
accept rate: 25%

IMHO, there's certainly not too much advertisement in this forum:)

(08 May '19, 06:44) Volker Barth
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Volker, we may be interested in training, however, we are in the United States. Is there a way I can contact you directly so as to not cluster up the forum?

(08 May '19, 09:11) dangris
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Courses have been offered from time to time over the years, but no more.

Historically one of the Hallmarks of SQL Anywhere is "Performance out of the box - SQL Anywhere is designed to deliver outstanding performance, without ongoing tuning and administration."

In other words, it's not just marketing bs when someone says "everything is easier in SQL Anywhere".

Sooo, in the absence of courses, your best bet might be to ask questions here, like this: "How do I do [this SQL Server task] in SQL Anywhere?"

Also, browse this blog, maybe get a PDF copy of the book from me at

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answered 06 May '19, 16:20

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

edited 06 May '19, 16:20

I fully agree to Breck's suggestions, and like to add that SQL Anywhere databases are rarely maintained by fulltime DBAs but more commonly by developers or other IT folks or even end users...

Of course that does not mean it would be less important to become familiar with and plan backup, restoring and disaster recovery.

(07 May '19, 00:16) Volker Barth

Thanks Breck and Volker I appreciate your perspectives as I've seen your input a lot on the blogs and forums I've been researching SQL Anywhere on. It is disappointing that SAP has abandon their product though and it concerns me that our company has chosen it for one of our most critical systems. Thanks for the insights. I will utilize the resources you have suggested.

(07 May '19, 08:57) dangris
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It is disappointing that SAP has abandon their product though.

Hm, that is a strong claim. I would not judge that by the question whether there are courses available or not - as Breck has stated, the availability of courses has changed in the past several times, apparently without "dropping the product". And I would bet most contributors here don't have taken any courses on SQL Anywhere.

(07 May '19, 09:32) Volker Barth

Point taken. But, that is the way it feels to me. As a new comer to SQLA, I've been looking around for months and spent many hours to try to get up to speed on this system and this forum is the only place besides the official SAP SQL Anywhere website that I've found to get answers. Again thanks for your response! At least it let's me know where I stand, what's out there and where I need to focus my efforts. Much appreciated.

(07 May '19, 10:44) dangris
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question asked: 06 May '19, 14:20

question was seen: 1,333 times

last updated: 10 May '19, 12:37