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I tried to execute SYSTEM statements like

SYSTEM 'notepad.exe';
or SYSTEM 'c:\Windows\write.exe';

in Interactive SQL. But none of them are sucessful on our machines. Interactive SQL is showing only

SYSTEM 'notpad.exe'; -- Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.437] -- (c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. -- -- C:\WINDOWS\system32>

in the "History" tab. The "Results" tab stays empty and no new Window, running the executable, is opened. Executing Interactive SQL as Administrator is also not sucessful.

Many thanks

asked 30 Apr '19, 09:31

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Robert Krats...
accept rate: 0%


I can reproduce this. You may be able to workaround the issue as follows:

SYSTEM '/c notepad.exe';

(30 Apr '19, 11:23) Chris Keating
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Thanks Chris

it works. No idea were the workaround is coming from...

(01 May '19, 11:39) Robert Krats...

This issue is being investigated as Engineering Case 819194 and should be addressed in a future software update.

(01 May '19, 15:45) Chris Keating
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The /c is a switch for default Windows ComSpec cmd.exe.

(01 May '19, 15:47) Chris Keating

Thanks Chris for Engineering Case 819194 and the comments on "/c"

(02 May '19, 06:01) Robert Krats...

This has been fixed and will be in an update 17.0 Build 5788 or newer.

(02 May '19, 18:14) Chris Keating
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question asked: 30 Apr '19, 09:31

question was seen: 864 times

last updated: 02 May '19, 18:14