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This issue seems to have come in since & and only when a procedure is called by a trigger.

The issue is reproducible in & 17.0.4913

create procedure proc1(param1 char(100))
-- do nothing

create table table1 (f1 char(100));

create trigger trig1 after insert on table1 REFERENCING NEW AS new_rec for each row begin call proc1(new_rec.f1) end;

Calling the procedure directly:

create variable res int;
res = call proc1('hh');
select res;
is fine. But when called by the trigger:
insert into table1 (f1) values ('x');
you get the error:
Could not execute statement.
Cannot modify column 'f1 in table 'new_rec' 
SQLCODE=-191, ODBC 3 State="42000" Line 1, column 1
in & 17.0.4913 BUT NOT in & where the insert is successful:

It seems to be related to the parameters. If not specified, SQLA treats them as INOUT and if you declare param1 one as INOUT, the behaviour is the same. If you explicitly declare param1 as IN, everything is OK in all versions.

asked 12 Dec '18, 08:52

Justin%20Willey's gravatar image

Justin Willey
accept rate: 20%

edited 12 Dec '18, 09:08

I wonder if the issue is related to this?

 ================(Build #4898  - Engineering Case #817338)================
    When a field of a row variable is used as an OUT(or INOUT) parameter of the 
    procedure, the procedure did not return the variable properly. This has been 
    fixed. For example:
    create procedure myproc(out id int) as
       set id = 3;
    create variable rowvar row(field1 int);
    set rowvar.field1 = 1;
    call myproc (rowvar.field1);
    select rowvar.field1; // expect 3, it was set to 1 incorrectly.

(12 Dec '18, 08:57) Justin Willey
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Aside: Is there a typo w.r.t. to the column name "f1" somewhere between "new_rec.f1" and "column 'fT in table 'new_rec'"?

(12 Dec '18, 09:00) Volker Barth
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Seems reasonable. So you need to specify your IN params as such, I assume?

(12 Dec '18, 09:06) Volker Barth

You're right, thanks. I've corrected the text of the error message.

(12 Dec '18, 09:07) Justin Willey

We are aware of this issue and are working on a resolution. It is related to the following change:

` ================(Build #4885 - Engineering Case #816858)================

In very rare circumstances, the server could crash if a function or procedure 
created with 
EXTERNAL NAME 'native-call' returns the special FLOAT or DOUBLE values NAN, 
and INFINITY and the value is used in an SQL expression.
The problem does not happen if the function or procedure is created as external 
with EXTERNAL NAME '<call-specification>' LANGUAGE <language-type>.

Also the server has incorrectly cleared the SQL error if an function or 
procedure output 
parameter value could not be assigned due to a conversion or truncation 

These problems has been fixed.
permanent link

answered 12 Dec '18, 16:19

Chris%20Keating's gravatar image

Chris Keating
accept rate: 32%

converted 12 Dec '18, 16:28

Justin%20Willey's gravatar image

Justin Willey

Many thanks Chris. Are you able to say if a fix will be published for v16 as well as v17?

(12 Dec '18, 16:30) Justin Willey

I believe that we plan to make the fix in both v16 and v17 but it is unlikely that we will have a software update available before end of year. I will update the thread once I confirm this.

(12 Dec '18, 16:38) Chris Keating
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Thanks again Chris - I was concerned that the v16 fix might miss the last ebf.

(12 Dec '18, 16:41) Justin Willey

It is our current plan to include this fix in a v16 SP for Windows and Linux.

(13 Dec '18, 09:07) Chris Keating

If I've read that correctly, there has been a fix with a very similar description contained in EBF

 ================(Build #2748  - Engineering Case #816858)================

In very rare circumstances, the server could crash if a function or procedure 
created with 
EXTERNAL NAME 'native-call' returns the special FLOAT or DOUBLE values NAN, 
and INFINITY and the value is used in an SQL expression.
The problem does not happen if the function or procedure is created as external 
with EXTERNAL NAME '<call-specification>' LANGUAGE <language-type>.

Also the server has incorrectly cleared the SQL error if an function or 
procedure output 
parameter value could not be assigned due to a conversion or truncation 

These problems has been fixed.

I found the same text in EBF under

 ================(Build #4885  - Engineering Case #816858)================

(14 Dec '18, 04:49) Reimer Pods
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> very similar description

By "similar" you mean "identical", right?

> same text in EBF under ... Build #4885

Is that a spoiler for Season 3 of Travelers on Netflix? :)

(14 Dec '18, 11:44) Breck Carter

So, Breck The Time Traveller, did SAP make it to fix the bug before 2019?

(14 Dec '18, 12:06) Volker Barth

I'll let you know last Thursday.

(14 Dec '18, 12:32) Breck Carter
showing 4 of 8 show all flat view

Probably solved by this fix in and (which I have not tested):

    ================(Build #4921  - Engineering Case #817669)================

    The server has incorrectly returned the SQL error SQLE_CANNOT_MODIFY if a 
    procedure call in a trigger body took an old row column as INOUT or OUT parameter 
    argument. This has been fixed. To work around the problem you may define 
    the procedure parameter as IN or assign the old row column value to a local 
    variable that you use as procedure argument.
permanent link

answered 01 Feb '19, 11:34

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 06 Feb '19, 03:40

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question asked: 12 Dec '18, 08:52

question was seen: 1,738 times

last updated: 06 Feb '19, 03:40