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I am looking for a solution to this problem

We have been loading data without errors until today. I'm using ODBC to access data from a .db file created by SAP version 16. The user id should be "dba and password "sql" however this time when I attempt to load it I get the following error message:

Sybase Anywhere version Function: Connection User: dba Password:sql

Could not connect to the database.

General error: Invalid file dsn '' General error: Invalid file dsn '' SQLCODE=556 SQLSTATE=HY000

Connection parameters: User=dba Password=*** FileDSN=D:\test\testdv\dv.db

asked 10 Apr '18, 15:12

ispeedtoo's gravatar image

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That connection information looks invalid. The FileDSN should point to a file containing the ODBC DSN information. It is pointing to the database file. Hence the reason for the error reported.

Assuming that you want to provide the database file as part of the connection (so as to autostart the database server), the FileDSN should be DBF=D:\test\testdv\dv.db or DatabaseFile=D:\test\testdv\dv.db.

If the connection should be using a FileDSN, you will need to provide a file dsn for that parameter.

(10 Apr '18, 15:36) Chris Keating
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question asked: 10 Apr '18, 15:12

question was seen: 1,626 times

last updated: 10 Apr '18, 15:36