Please be aware that the SAP SQL Anywhere Forum will be shut down on August 29th, 2024 when all it's content will be migrated to the SAP Community.

According to that FAQ and Reimer'comment there, version 16 will be EOL'ed December 31, 2018. In contrast, v17 is supported until end of 2025.

In the past a version has always been supported until the second next version was released.

I'm asking for confirmation as we do not have got any EOL notification for v16 yet, whereas for older versions, we were usually informed more than a year before the EOL date.

asked 13 Mar '18, 07:20

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

Yes Volker - the EOL for SQL Anywhere v16 is December 31, 2018. Under SAP, these dates are published in a product availability matrix (PAM) to serve as notice. For those that don't have access to the PAM, we've also created a WIKI page that includes this information - see this link for details.

Hope that helps.

permanent link

answered 13 Mar '18, 09:51

MikePaola's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

edited 15 Mar '18, 10:40

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow

Mike, thanks for the clarification. I just checked the PAM, wasn't aware of that (rather complex...) facility.

Aside: Is there already a release plan for the next version after v17?

(13 Mar '18, 10:16) Volker Barth
Replies hidden

Hi Volker - per SAP policy, I can't provide specific dates/features on future major releases - I can however say that we remain committed to supporting the in-market versions of SQL Anywhere through the delivery of PLs/SPs. In addition, you can view some of the areas of focus in the product roadmaps that are available here:

(13 Mar '18, 11:44) MikePaola

Hi Mike

Can you detail what is meant by in-market versions of SQL Anywhere? And what are non in-market versions? I would also be happy to be sure what are PLs/SPs?

Thanks and regards, Robert

(14 Mar '18, 03:28) robert

Well, in my understanding the in-market versions are version 16 and 17, in contrast to EOL'ed versions (v12 and below). PLs are Patch-level Updates and SPs are Service Packs, both are variants of the former EBFs. IMHO, the wording for PLs and SPs is not that clear as the patches usually can both contain enhancements and bug fixes, and from a user perspective, I would not know why Version 16 is still a 16.0.0.x, whereas v17 has moved from 17.0.0 to 17.0.4, 17.0.6, 17.0.7 and now 17.0.8.x...

(14 Mar '18, 05:22) Volker Barth

Thanks Volker for the explanations. Looking forward for SQL Anywhere 18 :-)

(14 Mar '18, 06:23) robert
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question asked: 13 Mar '18, 07:20

question was seen: 4,046 times

last updated: 15 Mar '18, 10:40