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Hallo Ich Verwende Sql Anywhere 17 WorkGroup. Beim entladen einer Datenbank aus der "SQL-CENTRAL" erhalte ich folgende Fehlermeldung: "Fehlerdatei unprocessed.Sql kann nicht nicht erstellt werden"

Diese Meldung kommt bereits nach dem Klick und der Prozess wird abgebrochen.

Ich habe dies bei verschiedenen PC's und Datenbankdateien versucht und die gleiche Fehlermeldung bekommen.

Kann mir da jemand helfen. Vielen Dank im Voraus.

asked 11 Dec '17, 08:52

LEANDRO's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Translation to English:

Hello I am using Sql Anywhere 17 WorkGroup. When unloading a database from the "SQL-CENTRAL" I get the following error message: "Unprocessed.Sql error file can not not be created"

This message comes after the click and the process is aborted.

I tried this with different PC's and database files and got the same error message.

Can someone help me there? Thanks in advance.

(11 Dec '17, 08:59) Mark Culp
Replies hidden

Mark, I wasn't aware of your German language skills - "sehr gut" :)

(11 Dec '17, 09:21) Volker Barth

Google translate! :-)

(11 Dec '17, 09:25) Mark Culp

What build do you use? and above contain a fix w.r.t. failing file access for the mentioned file, so I suggest you try with a current version...

Here's the according description, taken from the public readme file:

    ================(Build #4020  - Engineering Case #810172)================

    When dbunload version 17 is run, it creates an unprocessed.sql file in the 
    current working directory. If that directory is not writable, then dbunload 
    will fail.

    This problem has been fixed. 

    A new option -ru is provided to specify the location and name of the unprocessed 
    SQL statements file. It is similar to the -r option which is used to specify 
    the location and name of the “reload.sql” file.

    -ru <file>     path of unprocessed SQL file (default "unprocessed.sql")

    Also, if the unprocessed SQL statements file cannot be written to the current 
    working directory or the directory specified by -ru, then it is written to 
    the temporary files folder specified by either the dbunload -dt option or 
    by one of the SATMP, TMP, TMPDIR, and TEMP environment variables.
permanent link

answered 11 Dec '17, 10:26

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 14 Dec '17, 10:19

Vielen Dank, Problem gelöst.

permanent link

answered 14 Dec '17, 09:18

LEANDRO's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

darf ich fragen, wie?

(14 Dec '17, 09:39) Vlad

To help others in the future, what was the solution?

Um anderen in Zukunft zu helfen, was war die Lösung?

(14 Dec '17, 09:41) Mark Culp
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question asked: 11 Dec '17, 08:52

question was seen: 2,251 times

last updated: 14 Dec '17, 10:19