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Running DBREMOTE with v17.0.7.3382, I notice warnings in the DBREMOTE log like the following:

W. The timeline 'fb466259-a824-4931-88c3-f2941bcb662e' was found but will not be used in the output.

The remote has been run with several v17 versions for a while (before 17.0.7 with - I've never noticed such a warning before. The previous run before that warning appeared for the first time, the TL had been renamed. Every following SQL Remote run contains that warning.

Do I need to take care of something - if so, what?

FWIW, here's a complete log (nothing has been modified within the remote after the previous run, and no new message has been sent by the cons, so scanning start with the current TL offset):

I. Scanning logs starting at offset 0132219796
I. Transaction log "C:/....17.log" starts at offset 0132219796
I. Processing transaction logs from directory "C:\..."
W. The timeline 'fb466259-a824-4931-88c3-f2941bcb662e' was found but will not be used in the output.
I. Processing transactions from active transaction log
I. Execution completed

asked 20 Apr '17, 11:22

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 20 Apr '17, 11:27

One thought: timelines are feature of point in time recovery {new version 17 feature}.

If you have restored from backups and recovered up to a point in time, you would have created multiple timelines in the offline log files left on your system. I expect this message will go away once DELETE_OLD_LOGS clear out the extra log sections that reference the older timeline (pre-recovery).

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answered 20 Apr '17, 12:12

Nick%20Elson%20SAP%20SQL%20Anywhere's gravatar image

Nick Elson S...
accept rate: 32%

converted 21 Apr '17, 06:54

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

The timeline belongs to an older log, and apparently that one should have been deleted by the DELETE_OLD_LOGS option today, because a newer "old log" (created yesterday) for the same remote was deleted today.

After checking the DBLOG output for all offline logs and the DB, I noticed the older log ended before the current SQL Remote truncation offset, so I deleted the orphaned log, and now the warning does not appear anymore.

That being said, I have never explicitly used the "point in time recovery" facility for that remote - but such timeline is "mentioned" within the other offline and online logs, too.

(21 Apr '17, 06:59) Volker Barth
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Volker, I don't suppose you still have the dblog output from all the transaction logs in the old logs directory that includes the orphaned log that wasn't being deleted do you? I'd be interested in seeing that.


Aside : I just made a fix in 17.0.7 build 3399 (available now in SAP Marketplace) that was related to point in time recovery and the ability for the log scanning tools to scan logs in the offline logs directory. If your environment will have multiple pre-v17 transaction logs in the offline directory, you should really upgrade right now.

Customer Description : If the log scanning code shared by dbremote, dbmlsync and dbtran was scanning an offline directory that contained multiple pre-v17 transaction logs AND at least one v17 transaction log, then all but the earliest pre-v17 transaction log would be flagged as not needed. This would result in dbremote, dbmlsync or dbtran complaining that a range of log offsets were missing between the end of earliest pre-v17 transaction log and the start of the first v17 transaction log in the offline directory. This has been fixed.

(21 Apr '17, 09:45) Reg Domaratzki

Volker, I don't suppose you still have the dblog output from all the transaction logs in the old logs directory that includes the orphaned log that wasn't being deleted do you?

Unfortunately, I deleted that some minutes ago...:( - Note, there were only v17 logs in that dir, no ones from older versions. The particular log was renamed with, the newer ones with

(So I'll gladly assume the mentioned bug won't apply to my situation...)

FWIW, I have the DBREMOTE output of all runs, if that would be of help to you...

(21 Apr '17, 10:00) Volker Barth

Reg, the readme.html for provieded in the SAP Support Portal ( does not contain such a description...

(21 Apr '17, 10:06) Volker Barth

Well, the readme issue is 100% my fault (grr). The software fix is definitely there though.

(21 Apr '17, 16:04) Reg Domaratzki
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question asked: 20 Apr '17, 11:22

question was seen: 1,619 times

last updated: 21 Apr '17, 16:06