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Hi, I have by mistake set the isql_log option permanently to a false file (set option isql_log=false_file.log). What is the way for rollbacking this option so that it will take its default value.


asked 22 Mar '17, 04:58

Baron's gravatar image

accept rate: 48%

This is an IQ option, not available in SQL Anywhere.

Currently, you may have a file "false_file.log" somewhere that is gathering up all your SQL statements.

To turn that off, try setting it to the empty string...


permanent link

answered 22 Mar '17, 08:30

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

doesn't this last statment (SET OPTION PUBLIC.ISQL_LOG = '';) means that no any transaction log is anymore used? What I want is to have the default option (having .log file with the same name as the database file and in the same path)

(22 Mar '17, 10:42) Baron
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Please follow the link and read the Help page about isql_log. This option has absolutely nothing to do with the transaction log.

(22 Mar '17, 10:55) Breck Carter

Thanks, I have mixed them.

(22 Mar '17, 11:56) Baron
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question asked: 22 Mar '17, 04:58

question was seen: 2,160 times

last updated: 22 Mar '17, 11:56