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We want to plan an upgrade of mobilink to the latest version, and I read that we should first upgrade the consolidated server before upgrading the mobilink server. source =>

but another source says that we can upgrade the consolidated server (in our case oracle) via sql central. source =>

But this alternative upgrade via requires first an upgrade of sql central software. Does this not automatically upgrade mobilink 12 to 17 on the server and thus we will FIRST upgrade mobilink and THEN we will upgrade the consolidated database via sql central?


Also a secondary question => I'm reading that mobilink 12 clients should be able to sync with mobilink 17 server.... Is it also possible to have some "mobilink 12 clients" and some "mobilink 17 clients" communicating simultaneously towards mobilink 17 server? (since it may take a while to upgrade all clients)

Thanks for the feedback!

asked 14 Mar '17, 06:46

vdcey's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 14 Mar '17, 06:46

Easy answer first:

Is it possible to have "mobilink 12 clients" and "mobilink 17 clients" both [synching] ...

Yes indeed. Not many customers could ever upgrade their 'many thousands" of remote systems without that feature.

But this alternative upgrade via requires first an upgrade of sql central software.

You can have the version 12 software and the version 17 software installed side by side. There is no conflict there. This is probably what you want to do on your development and admin systems anyway. You can also do that on the system you are deploying the MobiLink server to; which may or may not require that if you are also upgrading hardware.

Does this not automatically upgrade MobiLink 12 to 17 on the server and thus we will FIRST upgrade MobiLink and THEN we will upgrade the consolidated database via sql central?

No it does not. This second link is just the details of step #2 in your first link. It is not really an 'alternative'.

You may not want to upgrade the existing MobiLink server for a number of different reasons. One outlined is if you need to continue to support clients older than version 12. In that case you may need to install/create a separate V17 MobiLink server (service) to run in parallel. You may also need to move it to a new system as part of upgrading the hardware (something not covered).

These articles are pretty high-level or overview in nature. You will still need to make adjustments and tactical decisions based upon your current deployment, design and changing requirements. Definitely mock this up and test until you are satisfied the upgrade/migration will complete as expected.

permanent link

answered 14 Mar '17, 12:48

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Nick Elson S...
accept rate: 32%

Follow-up to this post as we are looking at performing the same upgrade from 12 to 17. However the questions I have, is in regards to the MobiLink Synchronization tables.

AS we will be running MobiLink 12 and MobiLink 17 services in parallel does 12 use 17 MobiLink Synchronization tables or does there need to be a completely new set of tables for 17?

Also just to confirm the MobiLink 12 and MobiLink 17 services are able to run on the SAME server in parallel; they just have to be using different ports, correct?

(09 May '17, 15:07) bdpaulick
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question asked: 14 Mar '17, 06:46

question was seen: 1,981 times

last updated: 09 May '17, 15:07