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I have installed SQL Anywhere 17 on my Raspberry PI.

I have issued the command dbsrv17 -ud mysqlDB01.db and can see the message that the server is started

Next, I am using SQL Central on my laptop to connect to this DB. I have provided the below values.

Authentication: Database
UserID: murali
password: sql123

Action: connect to running database on another computer
Port: 2638
Server Name : mysqlDB01
Database name: mysqlDB01

My Ping to the Host works. However, when I test the DB connection, it fails. I ran an ifconfig command on RaspberryPI and got two values lo inet address= wlan0 inet address=

Below is the error I get in SQL Central

Fri Jun 10 2016 16:04:19
16:04:19 Attempting to connect using:
16:04:19 Attempting to connect to a running server...
16:04:19 Attempting TCPIP connection (no sasrv.ini cached address)
16:04:19 Looking for server with name mysqldb01
16:04:19 Trying to find server at address
16:04:19 Found server, verifying server name
16:04:19 A HOST value was specified, skipping LDAP check
16:04:19 Failed to connect over TCPIP
16:04:19 Removing failed address from sasrv.ini cache
16:04:19 Not attempting to autostart server
16:04:19 Cannot connect to server

I also noticed that the ping also fails at times. All my devices are on the same Internet connection supplied by my wifi dongle. So they are all on the same network.

Any suggestions.

Thanks, Murali

asked 10 Jun '16, 02:28

Murali's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 10 Jun '16, 03:40

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

I'd suggest to start the server with -z debug logging, too (and adding -o console.log to write the messages to a file).

(10 Jun '16, 03:43) Volker Barth

Can you just try to ping the DB using dbping? There are two cases that you can test - just a simple pinging. E.g.

dbping -c "Host=dbServerHost"

Usually it can find my server either remotely, or locally.

Then you can use the key -d:

dbping -d -c "Host=dbServerHost;UID=ping;PWD=ping;"
SQL Anywhere Server Ping Utility Version
Connected to SQL Anywhere server "cluster" and database "Vlad'sDB"
at address xx.xx.xx.xx.
Ping database successful.

(10 Jun '16, 07:42) Vlad

Thanks Vlad

(10 Jun '16, 08:23) Murali
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Have you solved the issue?

(10 Jun '16, 16:41) Vlad

yes, This has been resolved. But I got stuck with another problem described below.

(12 Jun '16, 20:50) Murali
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I know this comment is old, but have you noticed how you had resolved the connection problem? Or it simply disappeared... magically.

(16 Jun '16, 04:12) Vlad
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Thanks Volker. I was able to see the console log and the port was correct. May be it was a time out issue earlier, but now it works with the same settings.

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answered 10 Jun '16, 07:21

Murali's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 12 Jun '16, 21:00

Sorry, I couldn't work out hoe to reply rather than answer - this may or may not be an answer.

I don't know much about Pi's but in a Windows environment one of the first things I'd be looking at is the firewall. Is there a firewall on the Pi that needs to allow access on port 2638?

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answered 10 Jun '16, 06:26

RADicalSYS's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

Thanks for your response. I too had the same doubt. Hence, I am working behind the firewall just connecting to internet using my personal wifi dongle.

(10 Jun '16, 07:23) Murali
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question asked: 10 Jun '16, 02:28

question was seen: 2,972 times

last updated: 16 Jun '16, 04:12