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A SQL Remote question:

If I have set the remote FILE filelink directory within the database via, say

set remote file option = 'D:\\DATA\\FILELINK';

and also have set the SQLREMOTE environment variable to a different directory, am I right that the database option has higher precedence? (My tests with v12.0.1.4403 seems to imply that.)

I had expected the environment variable would have higher precedence, much like the SQLCONNECT connection parameters having higher precedence than those in a ODBC DSN...)

As to the background: We do set the directory fitting for the remotes. However, right after a re-extract we are doing an initial replication internally (to make sure it all works), and internally, the FILELINK uses a different directory structure. So I thought I could overwrite the database setting via the SQLREMOTE environment variable but that failed (i.e. it seems to be ignored). Therefore I guess I have to modify the remote option temporarily... and re-set it to the desired value after the internal tests have been passed.

asked 25 May '16, 06:59

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 25 May '16, 07:00

You are correct that the environment variable is over-riden by the database setting. The order of precedence, from lowest to highest is :

Registry Setting Environment Variable Database Setting


permanent link

answered 25 May '16, 09:57

Reg%20Domaratzki's gravatar image

Reg Domaratzki
accept rate: 37%

That might be a worthwhile addition to the docs, which just state that those entries are alternatives, without telling the order of precedence...

The SQL Remote environment variable stores a path that can be used as an alternative to one of the control parameters for the FILE messaging system.

(25 May '16, 10:36) Volker Barth
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question asked: 25 May '16, 06:59

question was seen: 1,766 times

last updated: 25 May '16, 10:36