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Using the shortcut <cmd>-Q for quitting Interactive SQL brings up the Query Editor instead of quitting the application. The shortcut is (correctly) placed on the application menu: Quit Interactive SQL – <cmd>-Q.

OS X 10.10.5

Regards, Robert

asked 17 Nov '15, 03:49

robert's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Nov '15, 06:51

Comment Text Removed

FWIW in the V16 Windows version of dbisql the shortcut for File-Exit is Alt+F4 and the shortcut for Tools-Edit Query is Ctrl+Q.

I'm guessing the menus look very different in the world of OS X... perhaps this is further proof that the motto for Java applications (like dbisql) should be "write once, test everywhere" :)

(17 Nov '15, 08:00) Breck Carter

This bug was fixed in DBISQL 17.0

permanent link

answered 17 Nov '15, 17:24

ChrisIrie's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

Thanks! Good News :-)

(18 Nov '15, 06:53) robert
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question asked: 17 Nov '15, 03:49

question was seen: 2,362 times

last updated: 18 Nov '15, 06:53