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Hello everybody,

I am running SQL Anywhere and MobiLink and I run into the following issue:

I created a Synchronisation Model with multiple tables. In one of these tables I need the column which contains the last_modified timestamp in the remote db.

When I do "Create New Table Mappings", I add the column to my table mapping, however when I am in the Mappings tab of the tool, I see it only on the consolidated side. It is not available on the right in the remote.

The column was named TIMESTAMP. When I changed it to "last_modified", it was not available either. But after changing it to "TEST", I was able to do the mapping.

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

Thanks for your help and best regards, Alex

asked 14 Oct '15, 11:04

Alexander%20Ilg's gravatar image

Alexander Ilg
accept rate: 50%

The behavior you are fighting is actually by design.

This is because you are using timestamp based downloads and that column has a special purpose in this model. In this model, the column is not about datum but about tracking and control for MobiLink purposes (only) and is expected to only live at the consolidated.

You could consider modifying the download type for just this one table (only), from timestamp to custom, and design your download_cursor and download_delete_cursor scripts just for this one table. The plug-in will remove the generated ones but you could (first) copy those and base your design on those. All columns should be available now that you are not using timestamp based downloads for this object.

Part of the problem is you are attempting to provide a column that is required for the MobiLink server scripts to function and normally should not be part of the remote schema. The Synchronizaton Model wizard will preserve this special status and will never allow it to be put into the remote schema (for the timestamp based download model that is).

Even before we had this modelling feature in the MobiLink plug-in I have strongly advised against having that column serve multiple purposes (which is usually what happens when you design to include it this way). Maybe an extra timestamp-type column may be a better choice?


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answered 14 Oct '15, 12:00

Nick%20Elson%20SAP%20SQL%20Anywhere's gravatar image

Nick Elson S...
accept rate: 32%

edited 14 Oct '15, 12:02

Thank you Nick, I think this is what I will do - add another timestamp column.

(14 Oct '15, 14:16) Alexander Ilg
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question asked: 14 Oct '15, 11:04

question was seen: 1,969 times

last updated: 14 Oct '15, 14:16