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Why am I seeing the following line in the SQL Anywhere Network Server Version console log?

I. 08/12 23:36:19. WARNING: It took longer than expected to initialize monitoring of IP address changes. If you do not need this functionality, consider using the -xm 0 switch to turn off this feature.

The -xm parameter is not used by us and according to the help "The -xm option is set to 0 by default if the SQL Anywhere application is not running on a portable device". The serverengine is not running on a portable device (it's running on a server on Windows Server 2008 R2) and when I check the serverengine properties it confirms this: "IsPortableDevice = No".

asked 17 Aug '15, 09:44

Christian%20Hamers's gravatar image

Christian Ha...
accept rate: 42%

If this is just a transient issue then I would ignore it as just being a bit of noise in the machine. But if you find you get this frequently then I would suspect you have something blocking the database server from being able to quickly determine if the system is a portable one.

Either way, rest assured that this should not prevent speedy startups nor should it prevent timely connectivity since this is all happening on an independent thread.

The portability of the platform is determined from calls to WMI and is not a case of a simple single yes/no value being returned. There is some extra overhead involved. Also WMI may not be responsive for various reasons outside of the database server.

The OS functions called and the parsing of the result can sometimes take more time than one would have expected. If you are running in a virtualized environment those may not map out they way you would normally expect and may take longer than when running on bare hardware.

We tuned this up some in version 12.0.1 but if you are seeing this frequently we may want to drill into this more with your class of hardware etc.

Again, this is just a warning and should not cause any issues for connectivity or application logic (outside of querying for this property maybe).

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answered 17 Aug '15, 12:24

Nick%20Elson%20SAP%20SQL%20Anywhere's gravatar image

Nick Elson S...
accept rate: 32%

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question asked: 17 Aug '15, 09:44

question was seen: 2,075 times

last updated: 17 Aug '15, 12:24