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I created a new database and imported data from a CSV file. After 90 Mio rows the database has a size of 57GB and throwed the following error:

ERROR Assertion failed: 200505 ( Checksum failure on page 7066120

At the time of the assertion there was no other warning or error message in the event log. The used file system is a relatively new SSD which showed so far no suspicious behavior and is still in good condition. The S.M.A.R.T. infos show no problems at all. The assertion occured during an increase of the database file.

Is this a false alarm? Can I double check the healthyness of the database file, or do I have to start the import all over again?

=> Update

Obviously the database is really broken, when I try to start it the following error occurs: " larger than expected" and then
ERROR Assertion failed: 201865 ( Checkpoint log: Invalid pages at 0x6bd208 and 0x6bd209

asked 20 Jul '15, 02:44

Martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

edited 20 Jul '15, 04:12

Assertion 200505 will occur of the page read from disk has a bad checksum. What OS (and version/kernel) are you using? We have seen some OS bugs that can cause this to happen.

(20 Jul '15, 08:46) Mark Culp
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Windows 8.1 - 64 bit using also the 64bit version of SQLA, filesystem is NTFS

(20 Jul '15, 11:18) Martin
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question asked: 20 Jul '15, 02:44

question was seen: 2,473 times

last updated: 20 Jul '15, 11:18