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Hello, I have a corrupted database file. DB engine doesn't start on it, with following error:

Z00L: Login failed.  Examine the SQLWarnings chained to this exception for the reason(s).
                Error code=0
                SQL state=JZ00L
JZ006: Caught IOException: JZ0EM: End of data.
                Error code=0
                SQL state=JZ006

Starting it from command line provides the following message:

Starting database "bor" (E:\DB\moritz\bor.db) at Fri May 01 2015 14:48
*** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 100101 (
File is shorter than expected

Can you please advise how I recover my data from it?



asked 01 May '15, 09:25

Igor_K's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Unfortunately you need a running database server/engine to extract any data from a database and that assertion error will prevent that. The next step would be to identify if you have a valid backup; any backup is better than nothing in this situation.

The next thing to look at is to identify if your transaction log is viable (hint: try running the dbtran utility against that to see if it throws any errors). If the transaction log is valid you should be able work with that to recreate recent history and if you have never backed up and never truncated the log your entire history would be captured in that file.

SAP does not offered a salvage service so working through what you have in front of you is where you need to, initially, focus your efforts.

Best of luck ...

(01 May '15, 11:16) Nick Elson S...

Hello Nick, Thank you for the response. Unfortunately, there is no backup and no transaction log. So, according to what you said, there is no way to recover some data out of it?
Thanks, Igor.

(04 May '15, 03:23) Igor_K
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If your have no log and no backup, then your data have no value. Just throw useless database away and start afresh.

(08 May '15, 03:53) Dmitri

Don't be too quick about that. Maybe there's a chance that Stellar Phoenix Repair for SQL Anywhere can do something for you, see Breck's blog

(08 May '15, 08:18) Reimer Pods
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Hm, that tool tells "Supports SQL Anywhere version 9.x, 10.x, 11.x, and 12.x"... - while a v9 server can start a v8 database, it's difficult to tell whether it will also start a corrupt v8 database...

OTOH, it might also be possible that v9 has fixed a bug that would prevent v8 from loading a database (been there once...), so simply try to start a copy of that database with v9 might also be worthwhile.

(08 May '15, 09:13) Volker Barth

Hello this is Gulshan Negi Well, there are lots of options to do so. You can use built-in recovery tool or standard backup method. If both does not work then you can use third party backup recovery tool. Thanks

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answered 16 Feb '23, 05:51

gulshan212's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 01 May '15, 09:25

question was seen: 6,602 times

last updated: 16 Feb '23, 05:51