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Hi there,

i am new to SQL Anywhere and i hope you can help me:

we are using SQL Anywhere 12.0 und try to setup a test mirroring (see Sybase/SAP tutorial). When i want to define the primary and secondary server, i get following error message:

"The database mirroring options are not supported for this database"... SQLCODE= -1307, ODBC 3 state = HY000

Can somebody tell me what does it mean? I can't find more information in the internet.

Thanks and best regards from germany Sabrina

asked 26 Feb '15, 04:05

sabstar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The docs do tell the following for that error message:

The current database does not have catalog support for database mirroring servers and options. To use this feature, upgrade your database to the most recent version.

So I would conclude that you are using v12 but the database has been created with an earlier version and therefore has to be upgraded (via DBUPGRAD) or - better - reloaded.

You can use "select * from syshistory" to find out about the database file version.

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answered 26 Feb '15, 04:52

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 26 Feb '15, 04:52

Thanks for your answer!

I used your query and got 3 rows:


Does it mean, that my db is allready runnig as v12? How do i use DBUGRAD?

Thanks and regards, Sabrina

(26 Feb '15, 05:00) sabstar
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The INIT row does tell the database has been created with v11 and has not been upgraded since.

Note: Both v11.0.2044 and are very old builds of v11 and v12 (the original GA releases, IIRC) so you are missing hundreds of bug fixes and enhancements. When doing tests I would very stronlgy recommend to use a new build of v12.0.1 (or v16), and particulary for tests with mirroring.

Furthermore, I would also recommend to do a full reload with the newest version instead of DBUPGRAD.

(26 Feb '15, 06:19) Volker Barth
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question asked: 26 Feb '15, 04:05

question was seen: 1,684 times

last updated: 26 Feb '15, 06:33