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SQL Anywhere Validation Utility Version

Seeing several errors and wondering how critical each are and what it would take to correct:

Issue 1:

Orphaned page (00626777) found in database file "d:\bersys\central.db"
Orphaned page (0062677f) found in database file "d:\bersys\central.db"
Orphaned page (00627e43) found in database file "d:\bersys\central.db"
Orphaned page (00627e44) found in database file "d:\bersys\central.db"

Issue 2:

VALIDATE TABLE "DBA"."in_invoice_detail"
Row count mismatch between table "in_invoice_detail" and index "in_invoice_detail"
SQL error (-300) -- Run time SQL error -- Validation of table "in_invoice_detail" has failed
VALIDATE TABLE "DBA"."in_invoice_header"
SQL error (-300) -- Run time SQL error -- Validation of table "in_invoice_header" has failed

Thanks, Brian

asked 15 Apr '13, 09:28

bgreiman's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

edited 15 Apr '13, 11:32

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

Was the table modified by other connections while you ran the validation? If so, I believe it might be possible to see these errors reported. It is best to run validation when no other connections can change the database.

A bug with erroneous reporting of orphans was fixed in but it appears that you have that fix. Actually, the version you report comes from dbvalid -- does the server's version match?

permanent link

answered 15 Apr '13, 09:40

John%20Smirnios's gravatar image

John Smirnios
accept rate: 37%

It is possible that there was an open connection to the database. We run a validation once per week. I will see if the errors happen again.

Thanks, Brian

(16 Apr '13, 16:52) bgreiman

Validation ran successfully yesterday. Thanks for your help!!!

(21 Apr '13, 12:50) bgreiman
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question asked: 15 Apr '13, 09:28

question was seen: 7,480 times

last updated: 22 Apr '13, 03:17