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I'm wanting to know whether we can define these ODBC settings as part of a connection string or as connection properties:

  1. "Microsoft applications (Keys in SQLStatistics)"
  2. Delphi applications
  3. Delay AutoCommit until statement close

We are researching whether we can connect to an SQL Anywhere database without first having to define a ODBC DSN as this will make maintenance and support a bit easier especially in a multi-tenant environment.

I have read through the document at however it does not go into further detail about each option.

asked 01 Dec '14, 20:38

Nick%20Brooks's gravatar image

Nick Brooks
accept rate: 33%

edited 01 Dec '14, 20:39

Have you already tried to do so (as part of the research:))?

I don't know whether these entries are accepted as connection parameters or should be specified as part of the InitString connection parameter but you can get the according property names and settings simply by looking at the ODBC DSN entry:


Update: According to Graeme, the answer is you can use those entries as optional connection parameters.

FWIW, they are also documented and explained here (as part of the DBDSN utility):

ODBC connection parameters

permanent link

answered 02 Dec '14, 03:39

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 03 Dec '14, 05:42


I converted this to an answer since it contains the correct answer to the question, and now we can upvote it. Note that you can get a list of all supported connection parameters using dbdsn -cl.

(02 Dec '14, 09:08) Graeme Perrow

Thanks @Volker. We had suspected it may be the case, but just wanted to confirm it - which Graeme has done.

(02 Dec '14, 21:09) Nick Brooks
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question asked: 01 Dec '14, 20:38

question was seen: 2,063 times

last updated: 03 Dec '14, 05:42